Is it normal to love to.....
Is it weird that I love having arguments on the is it normal website?? Nothing serious, just a strong disagreement as the conversation continues. Half the time I will purposely say something that will make someone mad and then watch the comments fire! Its never anything bad, just as an example: ( random is it normal user) "I love cotton candy"
Me: "Only Weirdos like cotton candy"
Even though I don't think that way, that's something I might say.
Think of it like this, there is a bomb of argument starters, and sometimes I get a match and ignite that son of a gun. I thinks it fun. Its as warm as the sun. Elephants weigh a ton.
OK, that's enough with the rhymes, anyways is it normal to love starting arguments, especially on IIN?
btw, I hope I don't get banned for this. I don't hurt anyones feelings, and 99.99% of the time I say just kidding or only joking. Seriously, it's not big. Nothing serious.