Is it normal to love weapons
So, I have always adored weapons for a number of years and have made 8 special blade weapons, an have shot hundreds if firearms, from a .22 to a 40 mm grenadegrenade. Is this normal?
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So, I have always adored weapons for a number of years and have made 8 special blade weapons, an have shot hundreds if firearms, from a .22 to a 40 mm grenadegrenade. Is this normal?
really? What brands did you shoot?
I personally prefer revolvers myself - I have a .38 / 357 Ruger that picked up new last year. pretty nice size, plenty of kick too. ;-)
And my dad sent me his old .22 air pistol. Ok so it's not really a gun by any legal definition but it was made back in the 60s when they made them out of metal and not plastic. so it's weighted the same as a colt 38. Pretty sweet looking really.
Weapons are things very close to the human species, it's normal to like them.
Yes. And if you are respectful with them and responsible then you are not a danger to yourself or others.
Firing a gun for the first time taught me to have a lot more respect for life and not to kill anything unless it was what I truly wanted. It made me even stop teasing about killing (ie saying "I'm gonna kill you." and so forth.)
They are powerful and can make you feel powerful, but always be respectful with them. (I am sure you are.)
Thats all I did for over 20 years in the Navy Gun,Missile systems from 9 mm to 5 inch. Loved it and always will.
Yeah! Reloading your own ammo puts more trust in every slug you send into the target! :)
I have several firearms..everything froma High Standard .22 military training pistol to a Ruger .Super Blackhawk .44 mag. Several rifles ranging from .22s to a 7mm Rem. Mag. I like to reload my own cartriges too. Saves money and I can dial in accuracy.
And thanks fir being so enthusiastic about weapons too! :) i hope you can get a great house and all the guns you will ever want!
It's very normal, I love them too. Unfortunately I don't have very many of my own but if I had my own place and extra money I'd buy some more.
I have a switch blade in my bedside drawer and a small hatchet resting inside my bedframe...not because i love weapons but because im paranoid about someone breaking in. Theres only one way out of my house for an intruder and thats in a body bag!
Weapons are a double-edged sword (pun intended), so to speak.
They should only be used in cases of self-defense, as a pre-emptive measure or in cases of last resort.
Proper use, handling and training is required for ANY weapon.
Now here's an idea I've heard from time to time; choose an area ( or the whole world for that fact ), find out who the warlords and gangsters are, then put them in a confined area and let them battle it out.
Oh what sport!
Sounds like you would make a great poster child about the dangers of inbreeding.