Is it normal to make fan art for fandoms your not even part of?

I often take requests for this and sometimes will draw for stuff I dont care about. As well as that if everyone is talking about fandoms I dont really care about Ill draw art for it anyways. It usually makes everyone else happy and believe I am included but I am usually just going along with whatever they do. I like making art so its not as though I hate drawing it either.

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84% Normal
Based on 58 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Couman

    That makes sense to me. Creating things is fun, and especially so if you know someone will appreciate the result. If the subject is exciting to you too that's a bonus, but not necessary.

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  • DolphinAngel

    I think the sense of making fan art is that you make these fan art or maybe fan fiction because you like the fandom or you are part of it...

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    • No I am not part of all the fandoms I make art for. Some I know something about and some I don't really like. However I will draw it since I like to draw or for my friends.

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    Come on draw a spud!

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  • Pika-girl

    Well yeah! Do I like... Hm... Teen Titans? Not really, but I just make fanart because of my sister. She's a total FREAK about it.

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