Is it normal to make out with smokers if you hate smoking?

Just curious why so many people who hate smoking with all their heart and soul constantly go on about how awful kissing a smoker is.

The frack are you doing making out with a smoker? Stop it. Make sense.

If someone is forcing you to kiss them, they're sexually assaulting you. That's a bit more serious than if their breath smells of cigarettes. If they're not forcing you, you're choosing to kiss them. Why? Is it normal to kiss them if you hate it so much?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Smoking is sexy... That aside, a habit has little to do with the person. What I mean is that if you love someone even if you hate their habits, you'll still try to make it work with them because they're worth it to you. Does that make sense?

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  • bloodbunny

    Sounds like they just want something to complain about and some way to bitch people out. Course they're not gonna say no to someone attractive even if it's against what they believe in. They obviously are a bit hypocritical.

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  • bristexai

    What is with all the smoking posts lately?

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    • It's a hot topic.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Ash tray breath is a big turn on. Almost as much as butt breath

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      • bristexai

        So people see smoking posts and decide to make one of their own?

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  • Smoking is gross.

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    • so... don't kiss smokers, duuuhhhhhhh

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      • I don't. Dope smokers is a different story though.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Is it honestly even that bad? Even before I smoked I dated some people who were smokers, and it never bothered me. I have kissed a few people with rancid ass breath, and that's a hell of a lot worse than a smoker.

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  • Becky95

    I'm a smoker and I hve had boyfriends who were non smokers

    In fact, I started smoking every day when I was in middle school, and I still had boyfriends who were non smokers made out with me

    So I think people still kiss and make out

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  • dom180

    Your thought process is insane.

    It's like me saying "I don't like iced tea". You saying "don't drink it then" doesn't change the fact that I find iced tea to taste like cooled piss. Yeah, I won't drink iced tea if I think it's gross. No shit. That doesn't magically change my opinion of iced tea though.

    You should stop it, and you should make sense.

    You may have a point; I've never had kissed a smoker knowingly so I have no idea if it's horrible or not (although I find smoke to smell awful and disgusting so I'd probably hate it). But your thought process is ridiculous.

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    • That's a really silly way of looking at it.

      What kind of person would argue that something one encountered in the past should be retroactively removed from existence?

      It's so painfully obvious that someone that has kissed a smoker and not enjoyed it... well, doesn't enjoy kissing smokers, that I'm not sure how to begin to address this complaint. Because I agree completely but it's not even remotely close to the point I made.

      The point is, what is the use of using "kissing smokers is disgusting" in an argument when it's not even fathomable as a legitimate point to make to a smoker. That smoker is obviously not going to be kissing the accuser, and the accuser is under no obligation to kiss anyone at all that smokes. Ergo, pissing and moaning like an emo teenager about the negative effects of kissing a smoker is completely moot.

      Really, it's literally 100% irrelevant to the smoking debate.

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      • dom180

        I agree totally that using "I hate kissing smokers" as an argument against smoking is, indeed, silly. I think people who say that are probably using it as an example of why they don't understand why anyone would smoke, rather than their main reason why smoking is bad.

        But if you read your own OP that is not the main point you made at all. Your main point was "why do people do something they hate?". My answer was a bemused "um... they don't". You never really said that you hated people using that reason as an argument against smoking in your OP. I was just working with what you gave me :P Now I understand what you mean then yeah, I do agree with that.

        For some reason, you presumed the people who hate making out with smokers... well, make out with smokers. Well, of course they don't, not anymore. Why would you think they ever would, apart from unwittingly? How do you think they found out they hated it if they never had done it? You don't have to be in the habit of doing something you hate to hate it.

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        • I guess I just worded it poorly.

          I meet a LOT of people (and see it online a lot, too) that try to use it as a debate tactic when discussing smoking. That's really all I meant to poke fun at.

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  • VioletTrees

    I've always assumed that the whole "kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray" thing started as part of an anti-smoking champaign, and people picked it up. I don't really have any evidence for that, though, except that when I was in school, there were posters angled towards teenagers that focussed heavily on the idea that smoking makes you unattractive. It was kind of insulting, actually, because it assumed that we'd care more about being sexually attractive than cancer. It was also confusing, because the very same schools were teaching abstinence.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      I see how this might have pissed you off. But the "smokers have bad breath" thing is true. And no, I haven't kissed a smoker. I smelled it from further away. The worst combination is smoking and drinking coffee - Not the kind of co-worker you want to chat with.

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      • VioletTrees

        I don't doubt it. I just think it's a strange angle to approach the issue from.

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        • AbnormallyAwesome

          Yes, I guess people are more scared of immediate effects than long term dangers. So they tell the tenage smokers that it gives them bad breath, the female smokers that it makes their skin age faster and the male smokers that it makes them impotent. Who cares about cancer?

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  • youmightembarrass

    they can brush their teeth

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