Is it normal to make up funny names for famous people?
Is it normal to make up funny names for famous people? Cause I do it all the time, for example:
1. Sagourny Weaver= So Horny Beaver
2. Jake Gylenhal= Jake Gigglin' Balls
3. Hugh Hefner= Huge Hefner
4. Ashton Kutcher= Ashton Coochie
5. Queen Latifah= Queen Laqueifa
6. Izzy Stevens (Kathryn Heigel)= Jizzy Stevens
7. Ellen Degeneres= Ellen Degenerate
8. Justin Beiber= Just A Beavor
9. Nicole Richie= Nicole Bitchie
10. Taylor Lautner= Taylor Goutner
Those are just off the top of my head. So tell me, please, is this normal?