Is it normal to make up funny names for famous people?

Is it normal to make up funny names for famous people? Cause I do it all the time, for example:

1. Sagourny Weaver= So Horny Beaver

2. Jake Gylenhal= Jake Gigglin' Balls

3. Hugh Hefner= Huge Hefner

4. Ashton Kutcher= Ashton Coochie

5. Queen Latifah= Queen Laqueifa

6. Izzy Stevens (Kathryn Heigel)= Jizzy Stevens

7. Ellen Degeneres= Ellen Degenerate

8. Justin Beiber= Just A Beavor

9. Nicole Richie= Nicole Bitchie

10. Taylor Lautner= Taylor Goutner

Those are just off the top of my head. So tell me, please, is this normal?

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 66 votes (52 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Good work

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  • sineadbere

    oldie hawn= Goldie Hawn
    Lazy Lohan= Lyndsy Lohan

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  • theflyinglobster

    heehee, I call Ellen Degenerate the same thing!

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  • Haha thanks andrewsmy.

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  • Dawn

    Yes it's normal :) nelly furtado = smelly fur taco

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  • little_freak

    David Boreanaz = David Boring-Ass
    Sinead O'Connor = Shithead O'Connor
    Bob Saget = Bob Faggot
    Dido = Dildo

    And then, the rather obvious ones:

    Zach Braff = Zach Barf
    William Shatner = William Shitner
    Matt Groening = Fat Groening
    David E. Kelly = David E. Smelly
    Seth MacFarlane = Seth MacFartlane

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