Is it normal to make up stories to not get in trouble?

Ive noticed recently that I lie a lot to get out of things/not get in trouble, and I am always full of guilt when I do it. I am often late to work, and if I am more than a couple of minutes late I will make up an elaborate lie.

It's not often though. In the last year of work I have made up three separate lies for being late (other than the usual traffic was bad lie), which were a really bad nosebleed (because I'm known for having them) and two times my father being really sick (he was fine).

I have also lied once or twice for a day off work - bad migraine and my car breaking down. Neither were true.

Is this normal in the space of a year? Am I just a regular person playing the system or am I an evil liar who needs help?

I am very prone to elaborating the truth and turning on the waterworks when I want to get my own way. If something happens, I will look at how I can elaborate it without lying and get some gain from it, as lying alone fills me with guilt and this is a better option.

Is this a normal personality flaw or a problem?

Voting Results
82% Normal
Based on 38 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • OtherSide

    Sounds like you're in the wrong job. You should be in politics.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Good thing you didn't work for me. When I was operating the tourist boats, if you were 1 minute late, no matter the excuse, you were fired. Zero tolerance! You don't show up for work and didn't get someone to cover your shift; you were fired! It didn't matter one tiny bit what your excuse was, not one tiny bit; zero tolerance.
    A bit harsh, you say? Perhaps, but when there are a hundred or so people waiting in the hot southern summer sun, for the boat to leave the dock, and they paid for a scheduled sailing trip, they certainly don't give a shit what the excuse is for their not getting what they paid for, on time.
    But even in any other occupation, I believe it is irresponsible and inconsiderate for an employee to show up late or take an unplanned (unnecessary) day off, as it creates more work for coworkers and burdens everyone else. These days with so many applicants for each position, I'd be very cautious about being an irresponsible employee. I doubt your guilt will aid you in finding a new job.

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  • Everybody lies every now and then. Why should you explain yourself to everyone? I lie to my next door neighbour on a daily basis because she continuously asks for favours that I am not willing to do for her. Aslong as you're not lying to family or your significant other to dilberately be deceitful, I'd say its normal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Rollins Band - Liar:

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      hooray for the 80s

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