Is it normal to masturbate so much?
Is it normal to be a 15 year old guy and wanna jack off and can at least 6-10 times a day. I love it so much. Just the sensation of it. I've been masturbating this much since about 8th grade. Iin
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Is it normal to be a 15 year old guy and wanna jack off and can at least 6-10 times a day. I love it so much. Just the sensation of it. I've been masturbating this much since about 8th grade. Iin
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While amounts vary. It seems to be very normal.
Holy cow that is a lot of meat tugging! Masturbation is normal, but at that frequency you will be hard pressed to get anything else done!
I would say cut down a little because to much and you can get blisters on your penis and hand(s) from doing to excessively due to the constant friction. Masturbation is healthy and natural it's normal to do it and explore but maybe cut down a little!