Is it normal to masturbate whenever i have the urge to?

I'll masturbate pretty much whenever I get horny. Starting in like 5th grade I had all the playboy channels so I would masturbate everyday between .5 and 5 times a day on average. Ive been on this pattern until now being SENIOR IN COLLEGE. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME!? I'm addicting to feeling good which is normal, what I dont think is normal is that the only things to make me feel good are drugs, being in love, adrenaline rushes, getting money, or stealing. This is bad and I know it. But I find myself jerking off at school, when im driving, at work, in the library... I think you get the point. I just need to feel good or else I just get super depressed. Ive talked to shrinks about depression but didnt mention this, and i think it has everything to do with my depression (I effed up my brain chemistry I think)

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Comments ( 6 )
  • SEWnanist23

    I like a site called Busty Nude Babes. Full Figured naked women muses My Onanism. I reminisce back when I admitted the first time but at the time I said I hadn't experienced sex thne She proceeded to the "Golden" taboo question to asking Me "Do You Masturbate?" I timidly said "uh,..yeah!" I wonder if She though Playboy mags & videos were par for the course?

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  • Spooky_Dino

    Yes this is normal, it is called Procrasturbation, but you can practice multi-fapping to get things done at the same time.

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  • wuddeva

    My dick would hurt awfully from that. How do you avoid friction burns!? Do you use actual lube?

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  • Shackleford96

    Masturbation is normal. What is not normal is that you masturbate .5 times. When I masturbate, I at least have to go 1.0 times in order to be fully satisfied...

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    • livefastdieold

      aaahhhh funny haha, i said average though, bc once in a great while i'll go a day w/o it. you get what im saying though, and what? you really think thats normal? haha most people think its insane for once a day jerk. people that im around at least.

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      • Shackleford96

        Lol, yeah I think once a day is normal.

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