Is it normal to meet someone 1 day talk for 30mins then forget them?

Hi, I am 28 years old and I was emotionally and physically abused as a child. I have almost no memories of my childhood, I am assuming because of this. But now as an Adult I can do things and completely forget that I did them seconds later. The most embarrassing occurrence was recently when I met a woman at a parent and tot group and we talked for about 30mins, the very next day and a different parent play group I walked up to her completely forgetting that I knew her and introduced myself to her as such... she stared at me like I was crazy then said ""umm we met... yesterday?" Then some came back to me.... Is this normal?

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47% Normal
Based on 15 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • MotherOf3

    Thank you breathingtree! That makes the most sense. I was not "touched" I was beaten, thrown down the stairs multiple times and once in front of family when I was 5 I was pack handed into a wall left unconscious and never received medical treatment for it All accounts told to me by siblings and aunts and uncles... so mr smarty pants should check himself before posting something so thoughtless.

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  • breathingtree

    It depends on what you're like in a social setting. Do you feel very relaxed when meeting new people, or do you feel tense and anxious? If you're anxious it would explain why you're forgetting because your mind is distracted dealing with anxiety while you're interacting with new people. You can't remember anything if you're distracted.

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  • Darkoil

    So because someone touched you when you were little you think the biophysiology of your brain has changed and you have a constant form of amnesia?

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  • slings_and_arrows

    Face blindness?

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  • thegypsysailor

    I don't see what the abuse in your childhood has to do with this problem.
    Perhaps this would be better discussed with a medical professional.

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  • seekelp

    I forget shit all the time too. Word on the street is that something like Luminosity helps.

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