Is it normal to 'mini masturbate' constantly

usually for me after a longer ses of masturbating, i get stuck between the desicion to flip over and go to sleep or to masturbate again. if i choose the second choice i end up in a situation where i do it over and over again and it lasts like 3 seconds each time. i dont know much about this topic so here i am, this goes to both females and males.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Crocotta1

    I’m a female, I tend to do this to, I have to make a decision to sleep or to masturbate again. I usually stop when the orgasms don’t feel as good, and then I’d do it again when it “refreshes” first thing in the morning.

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  • Yaidin

    I usually just shower and that gets me in a neutral mood again. Just tissues aren't enough for me to feel clean

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    If you're in your 20's you sleep with a constant semi chubby. Good for you.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ill jerk off first, then have sex, then fall asleep thinking of sex, and then dream about it, and then wake up in the morning with a morning wood. And they said it would stop when I got older.

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