Is it normal to miss dead cat this badly.

It passed already more than 2 years, since my favourite animal (a little black cat) has died. I have another cat, 2 dogs, 3 birds and 1 rabbit. So, yes I am an animal lover. Anyway she was always with me, played a lot, etc, she was like my little baby, I guess. I loved her so much, but when she was 2 years old she got hit by a car. I cried for weeks. Now I still feel very sad when I somebody mentions her, or when I watch photos and I get angry if someone speaks bad about her.

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88% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • shortyLR912

    I'm so sorry, I feel really sad for you. I have 2 cats and they are my babies, and one of them was bit by a dog very badly. She's okay now, but when she couldn't walk and we had to go to the emergency vet, I bawled until we found out she was going to be okay. I was preparing for the worst. If I would have lost her, I would feel the same way you do. It sounds like she was very special to you. It probably doesn't sound comforting, but try to do things that will keep her off your mind. Time will eventually help to heal your pain.

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  • Mysterygirl1

    I no how you feel I cant stop crying about my guinea-pig who died and I've got a cat now but im scared about him dying.

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  • theWARwhore

    Awwww man now I miss my cat :(

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  • Sabbatha

    I think it is normal because one of my neighbors dog killed one of my cats a long time ago and I had to move away. I hated that woman for being so irresponsible. That is a long story but. Everytime I saw her I was sad and I wanted to punch her.I still get angry about the situation and it's been a lot longer than 2 years.You loved your cat and it's not like she died from old age. Some moron hit her with their car. You have every right to be pissed.

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  • nAt2017

    Pets are family just as much as humans are. Normal.

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  • cat_violet

    My kitty got hit by a car at 2 years too... Nothing has ever hurt me more. You are completely normal, cats are so special.

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  • alv1592

    Aww, I'm so sorry for your loss. And yes, it's totally okay to grieve as much as you need to. I'm a pet lover too & I consider them family. But just remember that your kitty is happy in cat heaven. :)

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  • computasaysnoo

    So normal. I watched my cat give birth to two kittens. One died a few weeks after and the other was fine. The latter was Tiger. He had so much personality, and simultaneously to his birth, we bought a pedigree Golden Retriever puppy, and the two were close friends and grew up together.
    Tiger was hit by a car when he was two as well. The Golden Retriever looked around for him for months and his mother wasn't the same for that year. Whenever I think about him, I get this sinking feeling in my diaphragm. :(

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  • Harumi

    Of course. My first kitten died in February when she was 7 years old because my sister's gf's dog killed her when we were all out. I still occasionally cry over her and get sad whenever I look at the pictures I took of her on my phone, and I still think back to the night before she was killed when she was in my lap, purring as I petted her. And the fact that the death was so sudden and tragic makes the situation even more depressing. So yes, it is perfectly normal.

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  • Zaiix7

    Yes. It is very normal. I have 7 cats, used to have 8. Its hard to give every cat an equal amount of attention, considering I have school and am one of those kids who live on the computer. When i got the first 2 of my 8 cats, they were siamese twins. I could not tell the difference between them, so we didnt name them yet, we called them "Twins" or "Brothers" when we called their name. After about a year, one got darker points, and we could tell the difference and gave them names. After a while, I developed a very nice relationship with one, and not the other. After another year, we got 6 more cats, randomly through out the year. Because they were kittens, I gave them the attention I barely gave to the other siamese cat. The cats developed some kind of ear mice infection, and we had to give medicine to all of the cats. The "other" siamese was father-like to the other cats, and he tried "cleaning" it off of them by licking it off. He died the next day because of consuming too much of it. I felt horrible because I barely ever gave him attention when he wanted it. Its very sad and im all teared up after typing this. The sadness will never go away. Its called depression, and its only going to get worse when you think about them. The best you can do, believe it or not, is to try forgetting about them.

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    • computasaysnoo

      Not forgetting^, but accepting.

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  • lostgirl62

    Its completely normal, I had a cat that died in the summer I only knew him for 2 months but he changed my life so much, I was cutting and then when I got him I stopped, he was my baby, me, my mom, my brother, and sister went on vacation, we left our 2 cats that were only kittens with my dad, he lives in an apartment with my pet rabbit, so we come back and find out that while my dad was cooking they got out onto the balcony, because its one of those screen doors that push open and he forgot to put the lock on and my cat was playing with my brothers cat and he fell, he fell off the edge, and my dad lives on the eighth floor, and he hears the cat meow really loud and goes to check it out, he finds the cat on the ground, he didn't die but he brought the him up in a box and it was at 10 at night so no animal hospitals were open so he waited until morning and brought him to the vet and they said he was suffering too much and there was nothing they could do for him and they had to put him down, he was only 3 months old, and when we got back from vacation I found out and it just felt like none of it was real and I felt really confused and I still am, its been about 7 months and there hasn't been one day I haven't thought about him, I just think he was too young to die, he was the sweetest cat I ever met, but I'm really depressed right now still, his name is Milo, him and my brothers cat were best friends and they always will be, and Milo will always be my baby ♥ I love you Milo RIP :')
    And RIP to all of your cats who have also passed ♥

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  • Harumi

    Actually I meant to put 7 months old instead of 7 years old. It really was sad how short-lived her life was.

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