Is it normal to need to pee constantly?

I am a girl, and I'm only 19. But for the past couple years I constantly feel the need to pee and even if I don't I soon need to pee again. Like, I will have just been to the toilet, and then as soon as I've come out of the bathroom I need to go again. It's as if I'm not releasing my bladder fully whenever I do go. I haven't experienced any pain from this at all other than the annoying sensation of needing to urinate constantly. Please don't say go to a doctor, because I am terrified of doctors, and I would be too afraid to tell anyone this. I will not go to a doctor no matter what you say. I am thinking it could be a psychological thing, because when I do pee straight after, only a little bit comes out. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

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37% Normal
Based on 30 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Ellenna

    So you won't go to a doctor but you're asking for advice from strangers on the internet? Well then, just go on as you are for the rest of your life, your choice.

    Did you by any chance begin or increase masturbation a couple of years ago when this started? Some methods irritate the bladder outlet.

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    • Now that you mention it... Maybe I did, but I don't usually use insertion methods, usually external.
      I know, I was just wanting to know if anyone else had this or what were their experiences :/

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Could be a bladder infection, but if it's been going on for years, I don't know if that's plausible.
    And I'm very sorry, but, you should probably see a doctor. Not just because of the peeing problem but also to overcome your fear. It's really not that bad. The fear of it is worse than the actual experience. To you it might be personal and awkward but a doctor has heard WAY worse every day. They're not judging you. And you have nothing to be embarrassed about.
    When I was around 20 I had to show my junk to a bunch of doctors and needed to get circumcised. I should have gone way sooner but I was just too afraid. It still was very scary to go, but at least now it's over and I don't have those problems anymore. You won't regret going, believe me.

    I know that's the one thing you didn't want to hear, but to me it sounds like you already know that's what you should do.

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  • BeefJelly

    Go to a doctor?

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  • DaddyLovesHisPussyYoungNHairy

    You could have bladder spasms that will do that too

    You could be a Diabetic if you HA1C is 6.5 or higher

    You could be hyperactive could cause it

    It could be bladder infection

    It can be caused from sexual arousal

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  • ben_dover

    Is it after you have sex all the time ?
    Is it after you take a dump all the time ?
    Males pee like 12 times a day , every 2 hours.
    How often do you pee in a 24 hour time frame ?
    Do you get up during the night to go ?
    I know you said you wont go to a doctor , but you need to see a urologist.
    There are women and men urologists that you can see , whichever you prefer.

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    • Nope, I'm a virgin

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      • ben_dover

        that doesnt answer all of my questions.
        I didnt think there were any virgins over age 12.
        You are definitely in the minority , like one in millions.
        Do you even know what a male cock looks like ?
        Have you ever seen a full size boner 6 inch cock in person ?
        You say you are a virgin , does that mean in all 3 of your holes ?

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        • I only saw the first two questions, I'm sorry (v_v)
          And yeah it does

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          • ben_dover

            saying yeah it does doesnt all the questions either because some questions arent a " yeah it does " answer.
            Now you only answered the last question about if it includes no cocks in all 3 of your holes.
            Learn how to read honey and go slow and answer each question.
            I didnt think I had to draw a map for a fucktard.

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