Is it normal to never give up on a dream?

Ok so i have a dream of becoming a world famous DJ. Ive been told il never make it by friends and family. The only person who believes in me is my instructor who taught me everything i know. Im only 19 so i see alot of opportunity for me still. Ive came close on two occassions to getting signed but the reasons given were commitment issues? My problem with my dream is its expensive, in 3 years ive spent 30k on equipent. I just wanna make people go ape shit while i play sound. Is this normal?

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83% Normal
Based on 100 votes (83 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Faceless

    One time I had the same dream as Martin Luther King JR. but when I woke up my bed was gone and I was on the floor.

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  • Remember these words: You can do anything you can possibly do.

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  • Cambo_b

    Your still young and have plenty of time to get signed if you have a YouTube channel what is it called I want to hear your music I like dj tunes also if u dont have tunes on YouTube it's a good way to promote yourself. Just don't let the illuminatie sign you up haha just kiden

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  • t33h33

    give up. works at maccas

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  • chaosdragoon1

    Your instructor shouldn't be the only person who believes in you. YOU should be a person who believes in you. The most, should actually come from you.

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  • thebuddah

    Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're absolutely right

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  • Geneva5

    You sound deluded - your 19 yet have 30K to spend on equipment ? Sounds like you are spoilt to me ! - may I add if you were so passionate to be a "DJ " why the fuck do you have an instructor ? You should have the drive to teach yrself - you can not be taught to be creative - give up now sell your gear and think about a career in human resources or something equally as boring - best of luck for the future. FAIL

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  • darren3

    Is there really such a thing as a "world famous" DJ?

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  • chezycheze

    I don't think that I have ever failed to achieve a dream that I have. I don't know if thats helpful or not. But, if you really want it, you think you are capable of doing it, and you are hard working and persistent, then I think you will. But, you gotta make sure that its really right for you. I mean, you might be able to but you might have to give up other stuff. Are you willing to?

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  • It is normal to have a dream. Just make sure that its realistic and that you have backup plans.

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    • Malcolm Gladwell writes in his book, “Outliers”, about how long it takes to become really good at anything complex, from building a gigantic software company to becoming a legendary musician. Researchers say it’s 10,000 hours. How long is that? Follow the link to find out..

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