Is it normal to not be able to look into people eyes

I have problem looking straight into people's eye. Even when I am talking with my bestfriend or families.. it just arkward...

Will you think Im rude for not looking straight into you when talking? I would look up, down left or right... not your eye please...

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Comments ( 6 )
  • hairyfairy

    I`m sure that I give a very bad impression to people because I just can`t maintain eye contact. I dread job interviews because of this, & i think that it`s why I can`t find work easily.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    I don't like people who don't look me in the eyes. Usually it's accompanied by muttering everything they say and me having to say, "what" about 20 times.

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  • DragonQueen

    I seen people do that, And I wonder always wonder, What the hell is wrong with them? I guess is just a lack of confidence thing.

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  • RoseIsabella

    No offense but, it kinda freaks me out when someone can't look me in the eye.

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  • Derpinism

    I cant look into someones eyes for moer than 2 seconds and I am normally the first one to look away

    but in my job I have to greet people a lot (hospitality industry) say "hi"s and smile and so on.

    I am so confused regarding how long I need to look in someones eyes for just saying hi or bye and not to make it look rude.

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  • college

    I have this problem, so if I were talking to you and you didn't look me in the eyes, I'd understand. However, the rest of the world usually won't take so kindly to it. The only advice I can give you is practice, practice, practice. It'll feel awkward and forced, but if you fake it for long enough, you'll eventually make it habit.

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