Is it normal to not be able to say no for fear of upsetting someon?
I have a habit of not being able to say no to people. Just about everything!! in case I upset them. In my mind I'm like it's not that important and they'll be fine, but I get awkward with the awkwardness it might create afterwards. It's like " wanna go on hoilday next month?" (i cant afford it but i say yes!), "what do u think of thiS idea someone asks me at work (its rubbish and i dont like it but i'll say hmm maybe), it frustrates the hell out of me, and gets me in to situations that are awkward later on. I just wish i was more forward in saying no. hmm
It's like I even agree to things just to appease everybody, and even tell little lies, not harmful ones, thinking I can resolve it later. Like, have you hurried up and booked that flight "yes-knowing fine right i havent", but it avoids conflict and awkward conversation afterwards. "Have you e-mailed that over to me yet?" yes didnt you get it-oh there must be something wrong with my e-mail knowing fine right i havent done it yet.
I think there's a hint of complulsive liarness in there :(. And it's not in a bad way-they arent bad lies. Anyway I think I've really done two IIN's here...anyhoooo