Is it normal to not be addicted to cigarettes?

I've been smoking 3 years, with 7 smokes a day on average. I have never felt addicted or ever a need for a smoke, I never get cravings and I smoke because I enjoy it. I can go days and weeks without even thinking about buying smokes. They always imply smoking is an addiction, a habit but I feel completely in control.

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76% Normal
Based on 66 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • CountryRoads

    I don't have an addictive personality. Ive been smoking marlboros since i was 16...but off and on. I do it because I like them, but I can go weeks or months without having one.

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  • Faceless

    Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?
    You should see if you have the same control over heroin like myself.

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  • KeyboardSolo

    It's extremely rare, but some people really are incapable of forming chemical dependencies.

    More likely, you're just normal. People who are addicted to cigarettes are largely in it just for the habit. The actual physiological dependency is massively overstated. They smoke because they're reminded to smoke, or they're stressed. Without outside stimulus the thought of smoking wouldn't enter their mind. It's very much psychological rather than a physiological addiction.

    I'm like you, I guess. I smoke, but I can (and have) gone weeks and months without smoking simply because I didn't feel like it. When I do feel like smoking it's because it's a decent treatment for stress or because it's habit. When I drink, I feel like smoking. When I have coffee, I feel like smoking. I hope you can see what I'm getting at...

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  • heels

    Well, I guess you are fortunate indeed. I too like smoking, but am lucky that I don't feel the urge and can go without a cig without any cravings.
    How old are you buddy? I ask because although you don't feel addicted now, you may develop an addiction in later years if you keep smoking. We all start smoking as kids because it is cool and makes us feel good, just don't let it develop into an addiction.

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  • cigs

    you must be smoking wrong then i have been smoking for 15teen some years now i bet my lungs are brown or black by now i make sure all the bad shit goes into them then i blow the smoke out.

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  • Just1question

    I've smoked about 5 - 8 cigs a day since I was 16 and I'm not addicted either.
    When I go to work I don't take them with me and I have never felt a true craving for a ciggerette, Its not a need but a want for me. I have given up for long periods of time (the longest being 7 months) but after a while I get bored and think "Hm, I want a fag again." and off I go and by myself some.

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  • georgienne

    I began smoking at.. 14? I think I kept it steady at 2/day, but likely had days where I had more or went without. I stopped at 16, then later had a daily cigg, and quit several months later.

    I'm now 20 and have had probably a handful since then. I'll usually have one if offered (if I like the brand :p), but don't buy any.
    As someone mentioned earlier, it's exactly like gum. I love doing it, but I'm not missing anything if I don't.

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  • cal1swwag

    MMMAAAANNN....all y'all lyin!!!

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  • Uzzie101

    No really, I'm the same. I smoke on occasion but I've never felt extreme cravings. It's like chewing gum, it's nice. Just nice is all.

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  • I stop for long periods of time without thinking about it, just for the money and sometimes I get sick from smoking heaps. So I can't say I quit because I was never addicted, I never say "I need a smoke". It's just like enjoying an ice-cream on a hot day, now you can't surely be addicted to that. :]

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  • Iz_me

    Yes, it is totally normal. I have been smoking for about 2 years and i am not really addicted to it. I do it just for fun and because i like it. I could quit smoking but i dont want to.

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  • MrsBailey9

    Just a second... You said 3 years and 7 smokes a day, but you are NOT addicted. Did I read that wrong? Then you said you can go days, weeks etc... Without thinking about it, but again, 3 years, 7 smokes a day. So which is it? Sorry my friend, but you are addicted. Even if you "quit", every time you go back proves you are addicted. Maybe it makes you feel better to think that you aren't by telling yourself those things, but you are. Plain and simple. You said it yourself. So yes it is normal to be in denial about being addicted. :)

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    • georgienne

      She's giving you a sample day. She's saying she's capable of heavy smoking (and even used to it), then giving it up.

      The opposite would be saying: I'm addicted and smoke once a decade.

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