Is it normal to not be addicted to drugs but endanger yourself for,em?

Is it normal to Chase drugs fearlessly?I m not physically addicted to drugs but I used to be when it came to smoking heroin for a couple of years 4years ago but I went through rehab,stayed straight but then about a year and a half ago I started smoking loadsa weed and heroin at weekends and ill go into shooting galleries and go off with street people,hookers and scizo,s to obtain them.I'm a young women,petite and quite and these people could do anything to me but my desire for drugs is so strong its like someone else takes over.I'm living in a strange city,all my friends are back home,I'm lonely and bored but then again iv always loved drugs...when I look at the risks iv taken I feel scared that one day ill be raped or attacked but I literally can't rain myself in....

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Sotchi

    It's normal behavior for an addict! (I'm a recovering junky) U might not be physically addicted right now, but it's the mental part of the addiction that should concern u. Whether you're just using on the weekends, or shooting 2 grams a day, the mental aspect is still the same. I know that if I started dabbling just on weekends again, I might b able to pull it off for a while, but eventually it would lead back to daily use- it's happened over and over again in this way. Is that something you're willing to risk? If not, you've been to treatment, so you know there is a way to build a healthy, sober foundation of life if you're willing to make the changes and ask for help. It's the only thing that's worked for me. 9 months sober and more comfortable in my own skin than I've ever been in my life ;)

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  • Geppoff1

    ya, you will be raped, drugged, and then eventually tortured and killed... but thats the life you chose to live. nobody can help you but you. if you dont want to end up a dead homeless hooker that nobody can identify (or even care to identify) dumped in an alley somewhere (if they even find your body) id suggest you change your ways. but thats a suggestion, your probably not a strong enough person to do it... sorry if im blunt, but you dont have my sympathy..

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  • stardogchampion

    That's brilliant :) I know what your sayin,I always end up 2/3 bags a day when I start using at weekends ,it just spirals till I'm a mess ,spending all my money on drugs.its been a week and I don't have that shamey dirty bad feelin ya get when you slip up .the new clinics quite good ,they actually talk to me,its hard work not breaking down and sobbing like a baby when I go in,every junkie pretty much has a problem they,re medicating and I wanna get to the root and pull it out! I'm not sayin if there wasn't a gram infront of me I would'nt be all over it but I guess for me staying away from the people and the lifestyle is a good start and with time ya build yourself up from there!o and I'm leaving this city for one closer to my family :)

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  • rruca1

    I'm sorry to say, but addiction is a mental disease. so where as you feel you're just entertaining yourself on weekends, and not causing substantial harm to yourself, you absolutely are. you're negating all healing you gained in rehab and sending yourself down a dangerous path that isn't nearly rewarding as we've all pretended at one point. I was a drug addict too, and especially with opiates, you may not think you're addicted but you most definitely are. Mostly mental I'm sure, not as much physical; but get the fuck out of there... bad news if you ever want a substantial life with genuinely pure happiness.

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  • stardogchampion

    I think the thing that stops me doin it every day is that I always rely on others to score for me so its more expensive and more messing about but I know myself enough now to say that if I had my own dealer I probably would be bang at it,everyday! I take subutex (which annoys the shit out of me!) But only 0.8mg,not enough to work as a blocker,iv been moved to a new drugs clinic cuz the old place figured out id off and on been saving up the pills and taking heroin the new clinic they wanna detox me off the subbys in 3month....I know I ain't ready! I like the safety net of knowing they I can binge and not fee/ too bad.I haves vowed to myself that that's it after I got ripped off the other day,I wanna hate that world,I wanna change my mind and just be normal again...well maybe not normal haha,fingers crossed!

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  • canada87

    If you can't stop then your addicted to it. No question ask.

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  • ToddStellar

    I actually just got out of rehab for shooting heroin and I know with myself, I could never just do it on weekends.
    If you are smoking heroin then I really cant see how you can keep it just on the weekends for long. it will start off like that, but you are not going to be able to keep control.
    If I were you, I would go straight back to rehab.
    I have only been out for four weeks, but I know that even after ten years of sobriety I know that I will never be able to go near it again without having a huge problem.

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  • Yes, you are leading a dangerous lifestyle by exposing yourself to those situations, but obviously, the repercussions are not dangerous enough to deter you from continuing. These are situations, where if you were not addicted to drugs, they would scare the shit out of you; that's why you are even questioning them now. Now you've reached a point where you are willing to tolerate harm that you normally wouldn't - that's bad.

    So isn't it at this point, that you are suppose to realize that it's time to get back into rehab or start going to some addiction meetings?

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