Is it normal to not be addicted to drugs but endanger yourself for,em?
Is it normal to Chase drugs fearlessly?I m not physically addicted to drugs but I used to be when it came to smoking heroin for a couple of years 4years ago but I went through rehab,stayed straight but then about a year and a half ago I started smoking loadsa weed and heroin at weekends and ill go into shooting galleries and go off with street people,hookers and scizo,s to obtain them.I'm a young women,petite and quite and these people could do anything to me but my desire for drugs is so strong its like someone else takes over.I'm living in a strange city,all my friends are back home,I'm lonely and bored but then again iv always loved drugs...when I look at the risks iv taken I feel scared that one day ill be raped or attacked but I literally can't rain myself in....