Is it normal to not be normal
just wondering what people think
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just wondering what people think
The probability of anyone being totally normal (whatever that is) is exactly 0.
Thus it is quite normal not to be 100% totally normal.
The captcha you entered wasnt to see if you were a robot but make sure you're not normal. Normal people arent allowed onto the site.
everyone idea of what is normal is different and who got the right to determine what is normal anyhow? be yourself and let those really like you for who you are accept you
It seems this question is getting posted on a weekly basis now.
At the end of the day, as long as a person isn't doing anything illegal, harmful, or stupid, they're normal.
As I have heard as a kid and even nowadays, no body is perfect or normal. It is just the way it is. You always have to have a little bit of "you" in "you". If you are worried that you are not normal, do not. It will work out in the end.
**This is my opinion, if you see differently that is okay too**