Is it normal to not be religious but still feel "signs"
I'm not religious at all. I don't go to church, I don't pray, nothing. Religion is so complex and it's very confusing to me. Too many different story's and different versions of those different stories. It's just a hot mess. But lately just in the past couple of months, my life has just turned around. I planned to go to college an hr away from my home town a few months ago. 3 months before school, I lost my job of 5 years. Days later my boyfriend left me, days later my unemployment got denied. Now all of a sudden, I have a job interview, my unemployment is going through an appeal. confident that I'll get some money. I've read my horoscopes, my yearly horoscope said to be ready for change, it's coming and coming fast. As it did. I'm taking these as signs. Like this is what I'm destined to do with my life.
It's just weird Bc I don't Believe In god. I mean, I do to a certain extent. But could this all just be a coincidence or something of the supernatural?