Is it normal to not be religious but still feel "signs"

I'm not religious at all. I don't go to church, I don't pray, nothing. Religion is so complex and it's very confusing to me. Too many different story's and different versions of those different stories. It's just a hot mess. But lately just in the past couple of months, my life has just turned around. I planned to go to college an hr away from my home town a few months ago. 3 months before school, I lost my job of 5 years. Days later my boyfriend left me, days later my unemployment got denied. Now all of a sudden, I have a job interview, my unemployment is going through an appeal. confident that I'll get some money. I've read my horoscopes, my yearly horoscope said to be ready for change, it's coming and coming fast. As it did. I'm taking these as signs. Like this is what I'm destined to do with my life.

It's just weird Bc I don't Believe In god. I mean, I do to a certain extent. But could this all just be a coincidence or something of the supernatural?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • AngAnders112

    Do not fear what you are about to suffer

    Behold the devil is about to throw you into prison

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  • amili

    Has nothing to do with god it luck or any of that nonsense. You have set the wheels in motion and made positive choices about what you want from your life right now, that is all.

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  • Blazer

    Horoscopes are very broad predictions of the future and because of that, they can be applied to any aspect of your life and therefore be considered true. Being a Christian, this is my answer to you: God loves you, even when you don't have faith. He loves everyone. He's giving you a little helping hand in your life. Embrace this blessing and maybe look into reading His book. I used to be like you, an agnostic. But I kept an open mind when this guy I had a crush on invited me to youth group. I resisted converting, not wanting everyone to think I was lovestruck, but the Good Word found me. The Good Word can find you, too. :)

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  • macncheez

    Why don't you believe in God? Perhaps this is a sign that he loves you in spite of your doubt.

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  • WhyNotCrazyGrl21

    And the nations shall see that I AM GOD. Believe me in the "so called" apocalypse people will be screaming for their lives, hiding in fear, and crying for their mommies. The tribulation in the Bible talks about: blood in rivers, giant hailstones the size of boulders, a giant earthquake where all foundations split in half and the sun turns black and moon blood red and stars fall from the sky(could happen soon), locusts with faces of humans that sting and the hurt doesn't go away for days, giant tsunamis, sulfur and fire that burns all living things and green stuff, and other horrific things. BE SAVED.

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  • babe7575

    what you are experiencing is the cycle of life. Take the good with the bad. although with careful measures you can learn to develop resistance during hard times and bounce back faster and be happy!

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  • moomus

    I don't believe in god and never have, not at all religious, but something happened to me the other day. My dog got out of the garden and went missing. I was worried for him as he was gone some hours, and called police to report him missing. I was looking for him and said to myself " I bet something terrible has happened, I don't believe in miracles or god, and it would just be my luck not to see him again." a while later I got a call from police telling me he had been found. He had walked into a church a few streets away, and the church people kept hold of him and he was returned to me....

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  • BirdyMojo

    I am a Christian, well some days are better than others. ;) But I'm not going to sit here and tell you this is all God's doings even though they more than likely are, because when people talk about their own religion and act like it is the ONLY RIGHT religion... people get sick of it, and they feel like you are discrediting other beliefs, but I think you should just be grateful for the good fortune that has been granted to you instead of over-analyzing everything.

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  • ajayy_21

    You're not religous, you're just supersticious that's all!

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  • randomjelly

    You can believe that their is a higher power at work without having to believe in the man made god.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I don't believe in coincidence, I believe in synchronicity. There are patterns everywhere, but sometimes we are standing too close to notice.

    You are young, it's okay to not have a firm grasp on what god means to you. You have your whole life to figure it out. When I start to see patterns falling into place, it reaffirms that I am in the right place doing exactly what I need to be doing.

    Horoscopes are fun, just one more aspect to influence us as we learn who or what our guides are in this life.


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  • Bdornyei

    Agree with Blazer but there is a big difference between horoscopes and religious signs

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  • Blazer

    And I hope you don't view my comment as one left by another Jesus-freak trying to convert you. It's all up to you. My job is to make sure you don't forget that option. Peace, man. :)

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