Is it normal to not be sure if your friend is a true friend?

So I have this friend named Jamilynn, and we have been through so much ups and downs! I took her to my family farm this weekend, and it was so nice with her. We also went through a friend-group breakup, but still managed to remain our "BFFL's" (best-friends-for-life) statement. Anyways, now I feel like our friendship is super rocky. When I told her I had scoliosis, all she said was, "Omgggg" of course, when I talked to her about it more she did say she hopes it's not that serious, but it still hurts me to what she said prior. She is maintaining her distance, and starting to ignore me now. Of course she can have other friends, but she is just still so ... distant. Maybe I am overreacting, but this isn't the first time this has happened. It leaves me wondering if I should go back to our old friend-group, only without her. Am I mean for thinking that? Is she mean? Please give me some advice!

PS: If you need more information on our relationship to help answer, visit my prior posts. :D

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Tinybird

    Maybe she is just not good at knowing what to say

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    • JuliaGeorge

      That's what I'm thinking - it would make sense.

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  • hellurimbored

    no this is not normal and i think u should either cut her off or actually communicate with her cuz shes literally dismissing u if u even have to question it id say just cut her off fr

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  • Chudders

    I wish my problems in life were this simple. You're probably not old enough to use this site but my advice is, avoid complicated problems for as long as you can.

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    • JuliaGeorge

      Lol - thank you. I texted the girl from our old friend group - things kinda blowed up. I'll do my best to avoid this stuff - girls are the worst when it comes to drama.

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      • Chudders

        Yes, just ignore it. It'll die down in time. People will move onto new drama.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Blah blah something blah blah

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    • JuliaGeorge


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      • Tommythecaty


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