Is it normal to not believe in god anymore

I have been taught to believe in God and heaven and all that. I am a Roman Cathlic. My first school was St. Marys Roman Cathlic school. I had to pray 5 times a day, and sing hyms! My question is: why does God make suffering? I know people will say everything happens for a reason, but then for example if a baby dies they have not even commited a sin and they die! Help me keep my religion!!!!

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Comments ( 23 )
  • That_Guy_From_The_Party

    why would you want to keep it if you don't like it? its your life and you don't need anybody to teach you how to live it. if you don't want to believe just don't believe. nobody will judge you for that (not even god because logically he doesn't exist and thats how i roll).

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  • Shizoom

    God isn't real. You might think I'm just being a dick, but go look at all the evidence against christianity.

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  • moomus

    I don't understand how god can test thousands and thousands of people time and time again for what Adam and eve did???

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    • cybad

      Me neither. The same bible tells that no one shall carry the burden of another. How is this reconsiled? Truth is Adam and Eve repented and were forgiven, for God is oft-forgiving, and we are all responsible for only what we do, individually. There is no inherited sin. God is not unjust. No one died for your sins.

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  • Mastersash

    Totally normal.

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  • I don't believe in god, but my mom used to brung me to church with her every Sunday until I finally told her. There are so many things that they will NOT tell u in church from the bible b/c it's mostly horrid crap.

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  • Alicesan

    I think that everyone should quit trying to be something they're not. I have thought about religion and it seems that it's hard to believe in God anymore. Not because things are bad, but because we don't need that solace of an "answer" religion is (in my mind) something that we use to try not to go insane. I wouldn't say I lost my "god" but rather I believe that it shouldn't matter what anybody else's god is. You may notice that many atheists are ignorant, as well as many (most) Christians. They are often closed minded. I like to be opened minded to almost everything, but not to where I have no ideas of my own.

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  • SpontaneousSteve

    God is alive..
    All he
    Wants is that you have a relationship with him..
    Skip that religious stuff... Encounter the live
    Of God and you will be blessed my friend

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  • the original sin started evrything. he gave us a chance and we blew it now we have to be tested for our faith and wether or not we truly belive and love. But i really hate to think of life as a test. Just follow love belive and do everything you can i hope this helps you understand

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  • Sheldon

    To tell you the truth. God didnt make sinning satin did, when satin was casted out of hevan his inner evil grew. Nd i hope you know the story about adam and eve, the serpant that made eve + adam eat the forbidden apple made humans un-pure, its not gods fault for creating sin cuz when he found out it was to late so he had no choice but to cast them out of the garden( or whatever the place was called). So because human blood is impure satin now has power over us to harm us. Stay with god, he could maybe save your life today.

    Remember this......
    " he who does not follow in my path shall drown in everlasting darkness on the day of judgement"

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    • cybad

      Satan is the one who misled Adam and
      eve into eating of the tree. God created man with a free will, unlike all other creatures, so that man willingly chooses the right path, for which he will be amply rewarded. Satan constantly tries to make us chose the wrong path. God has made the right path so plain and clear for all to see. Therefor, whoever chooses the wrong path will be punished, for he does so just to be rebellious. This man effectively is saying "Dear God, i know your are the creator and sustainer, and that satan is bad, he is my enemy, he wishes me bad, and he cannot help me in any way, but I will still follow satan and ignore your teachings".
      Before punishment, he gets ample chance to mend his ways.

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  • rooster30991

    its simple. free will. i get tired of people blaming god for all the bad things. and every time something goes right there is always someone thats going to say that is was a blessing of god. for example: i was discharged from the marine corps because of a back injury. my family said it was a blessing from god. so that i wouldnt have gone to war and possibly died. the fact is, is that it wasnt. could it have been that i messed my back up because injurys happen when you push yourself to hard. and the idea that god allows and makes bad things happen is bullshit. wake up people. he has given us the choice. do bad or good. thats it. its up to us. in order for say a guy to kill a kid he has to make that choice. free will. and the little kid. well, that happens. its called life. filled with the evil and the good. so stop pointing the finger and blaming god for the decisions we make.

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  • ladyluck31

    Do i believe in God, i guess sometimes. I do believe his only son died for our sins. My thing is, why we all have to suffer for what Adam and Eve did, didn't nobody put a gun to their heads and made them bit off an apple. They was just two idiots that should of kept their hands off a tree.

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  • cybad

    There is God. He created man (meaning human beings. i am not a malechauvenist lol). Man has a duty to fulfil towards his Maker. Since he does not know how to do that, God tells him, through his messengers, what is right, what is wrong, what to do, what to refrain from. All these instructions are in Scriptures. This constitutes a system of life, known us religion. Some messengers are accepted, some not. Even those that are accepted, their scriptures get corrupted in the course of time, creating problems with followers. This explains the problems with the christian faith today.

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  • bronte_91

    I'm not religious but one of my friends (who isn't religious either) told me that everything happens for a reason, even the bad things. I am still kind of skeptical of this but basically, the theory behind it is that say for example a baby died, maybe it was teach someone a life lesson, to learn something about themselves that they would never have know otherwise and as a result they have become the person they are today. I don't know. But if you are having trouble believing in God, perhaps christianity isn't for you? The truth is no one knows for certain why things happen and God is just one of the many many theories that are out there.

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  • To 'Alig-ba' I would like to be a buddist!

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  • alif-ba

    Be a muslim.Maybe you will find answers there:)

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  • Really. Thanks. 'joeaverage'

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  • tori

    I believe in God. Hate religion. Man made religion. It's all horse pucky. God did not want us to separate ourselves. I went to Carholic school also. Back in the day of horrible nuns teaching. Did God want these nuns hitting me in the head. ?Threaten me with scissors because my hair was too long.? No, God did not.

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  • That's okay, he doesn't believe in you anymore either.

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  • hitlermatzoballs

    Some days you believe other days you don't what's wrong with that?

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  • It's me. It's just i kind of believe in the reilgion but not God much.

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  • mini

    There's something called fate and that's what happened to the baby it was meant to be.

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