Is it normal to not care if cats climb on countertops?

I don't care one bit if my cats want to get up on my countertops. They don't do it a lot, just when they're curious or being lovey. If I'm cooking or if they're being too pesky I move them to the floor. Someone saw my cats on the counter once and freaked out 'OMG you let your cats up there? Gross!' as if it was a big deal. I clean the counter off before I prepare any food anyway. I don't see it as a concern at all. Certainly nothing to freak out over!

Is it a big deal?

It's not a big deal to me. 38
It IS a big deal to me! 9
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Justsomejerk

    Bench tops are to cats as water is to fish.

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  • bulbie

    It's extremely unhygienic to let cats on the counter - they have all sorts on their feet. You may well wipe it down every time you prepare food, but you'll never know how clean the counters REALLY are, cat bringing in more bacteria on their feet just worsens things.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I really do not care but it is considered bad for them to run around in the kitchen since it can get in food. My animals run around in the kitchen though and it does sometimes bother when you try and cook something since they almost fell a few times.

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  • Jacobella

    that is the one place I do NOT allow my cats to go because that is where I prepare and eat food! just because it looks clean doesn't mean it is and when you are out they probably run all over the counters! which is why I was really strict not allowing my cats on the counter because that's nastyyy They have been in a litter tray for starters and who knows what outside!!!!
    ew ew ew

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  • dappled

    I don't see it as a big deal.

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  • howaminotmyself

    My cat likes to eat the plants and knock things off the counter. So I don't let him on their too often. I don't find it gross as all, just troublesome. And I have no problem with him on the table or most surfaces as long as he isn't breaking things. But he's usually up to no good. I can't leave a water glass in his reach or else it ends up on the floor.

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