Is it normal to not fear what most other people fear?

Okay, I would never say im fearless, i mean, i was fraid of talking to a girl, its not like i was gonna die. But i dont know "what" i was afraid of? It wasn't rejection, i asked countless girls out when i was at school, 6/10 times it was usually a no, from people i didnt know, i didnt care? why should I, i just said a few awkward words. Maybe its creating an awkward situation with people, i thought, but no, because i sent a text (intended for my friend) about this girl (also my friend) i really, REALLY, liked, it was quite explicit to say the least, and i sent HER the text instead of my friend, names and everything, Yes that was INCREDIBLY awkward the next day i sat next to her in business studies, but i didnt care, i just said whatever, i like you, sorry about that. Its all cool! She didnt care. We was still two peas in a pod.

Is it normal that i dont fear death? When your dead, your dead, thats it, theres nothing to complain about, everything you possessed, you cant get back, i just hope i can haunt my family, friends and girlfriend for all eternity, i love scaring people ^^! Why should i fear pain and torture? Its all a state of the mind, its temporary, all that awaits in a worst case scenario is death, and thats near enough instant. Disease? Ha, i caught Maleria and didnt care. Ive been Haunted, i found it amusing! Does anyone else feel the same? Or am i crazy?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • jessimarie

    Well, I'm afraid of death because I'm scared to not complete everything I want to, I'm scared of the pain my loved ones will go through, I'm scared of the pain of my death, and I'm scared of simply not being around anymore. Obviously when you're dead, it won't matter, but I want to live my life as long and as fully as possible. So being afraid of death is TOTALLY normal and I know a lot of people fear it. The way I handle it is to tell myself that I'm not living life to the fullest if I'm sitting around being afraid of death all the time. When I'm letting my fears take over, I'm wasting time and energy that I could be using for something that benefits my life. c:

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  • Grigore_Andrei

    I'm not afraid of death,psychical pain,spiritual agony etc.,but I am afraid of not being able to do what I want in my life because of other people that are controlling me.(my father). Not feeling free/allowed to be myself,to do what I want and enjoy my life are my biggest fears.

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