Is it normal to not feel good enough for the person you like?
This feeling sucks! I tend to start comparing myself with girls I think the guy I like would be into. It messes with my head especially when I think of girls I know personally who would be more compatible with him. Right now, I am in love with the guy I am seeing right now but honestly there are two girls we probably can't avoid that he might be more compatible with: my roommate and my sister. I think of them during moments where I feel like he is turned off by me because of something I lack as opposed to something the other girls have. It is a sucky feeling and I start feeling not good enough for him and it doesn't help thinking of other girls he might be into. When it comes to the guys that like me, I just don't like them but also I feel like a better person than the person I am with the one I like. Its so confusing. I don't know if this is normal and common or its just me.