Is it normal to not get along with sister in law?

She's nice to me but there's a disconnect there and she holds really scary beliefs and she always thinks she's right which gets under my skin. She asks me once in a while to hang but I decline so she told my fiance to break up with me but he obviously won't because we are inseparable she's just annoyed with me so she thinks he needs to stop being with me and I can't stand her.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • bald_eagle_1998

    Don't worry, I don't even want to talk to my father. He a gambler and he ruined the family.

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    • Damn that sucks

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    You have to decide what relationship you’re going to have with in-laws, even the ones you can’t stand. Some of them you just have to tolerate for your spouse’s sake. Be polite, and who knows she ma6 grow on you. I had that happen with my brother in law.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Come on strong independent woman you cant be the one to break up?

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