Is it normal to not have a fear?

i dont know why but ever since i can remember i havent feared anything is it because my mood is i dont give a damn or what?

Voting Results
36% Normal
Based on 64 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • You probably think it's cool, infact I think alot of people here would find it cool, just for your information, it makes you pretty much idiotic. There was a person I heard on the news once that damaged their head and somehow lost their "fear" part of their mind process. The person got hit by a car, broke her legs (I don't think permanantly) and kept getting hurt. Now people have to look after her as if she's a senior in need of assistance 24/7.
    Fear is a survival instinct, without it you are less likely to survive.

    You probably think it's pretty cool, just so you know, it doesn't make you tough, it actually makes you pretty weak and easy to target.

    I seen you reply to someone saying that you want to join the army, if you don't have any fears, you are definetly not fit for the army, you will be killed very fast, probably put your fellow soldiers in harms way aswell due to you not having the capability to survive long.

    Doesn't sound so tough now, does it?

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    • happydude25

      I don't think he was saying it makes him tough or that he wants to join the army he is just asking if its normal. i think it is, because if your afraid you wont try or do anything. It's like if you are afraid of being stung by a bee and didn't go outside you would be missing out on life, its about taking some risks and enjoying yourself. You could get run over by a car if you cross the street or you could be fine, you don't know until you try.

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    • bananaface

      I know, what's up with that? Why would you join the army, which revolves entirely around your instincts, when you have none (fear that it, not other instincts):S!?

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  • Who_Fan4Life

    Your fear is ME

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    • Lubu99

      LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! THATS FUNNY

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  • Dozis

    repeat after me: I fear nothing! Say it! I fear nothing!
    Ok. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, A pimple. Oh my god. Here, let me cut it out for you. Are you crazy? What? It's just a pimple! Oh my god, is that another human being? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Don't look at him, he might attack us for reason. Hi!
    holy shit! Scared the crap out of me! Me too. Let's go hide in the closet, it's so dark and gloomy and safe.
    Oh my god, oh my god! There's dustmites everywhere!
    Somebody just touched me. It wasn't me. Oh my god we are not alone, there must be an evil spirit in the closet with us. Shh! Don't move! You are breathing too loud! Sorry. Ew! you just spit! No I didn't. Turn the lights on the dark is starting to freak me out. Ahhhhhh!
    What's wrong? what did you see!? AHHHH! Calm down! everything is fine! AHHHHHH!What's going on? I stained my shirt with dust. Let's get out of here. Baby steps. Open the door real slow. Ahhhh! what? The light! What!? It's blinding me! It's not that bright. Yes it is!

    We aren't afraid of anything. We just don't care.
    Stop smoking in the house! It's bad for our health!
    I'm not afraid mom. I mean: AHHHHH!

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    • Sidekickz


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      • rin

        lol, love it.

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    • WTF?

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  • trollnumber111

    Yes and no. You do have a fear, but nothing that interferes with your life. It's quite common in people with lots of confidence.

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  • snowtail802

    ha theres an evil clown under your bed waiting to chuck norris your ass

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  • StarScream18

    It is impossible for a human being to not have a fear. You have a fear(s). You just haven't discovered them yet.

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  • Dozis

    You mean: I am your worst fear! If you wanna scare somebody at least learn how to tall properly. You might be mistakened for some sort of lowlife wanna be mobster who can't even put two words together straight.
    Or you could say something like: I am your worst nightmare! Anything of that nature. Plenty of serial killer horror movies to take as inspiration. But, beating this one is kind of very difficult:
    I am the devil, and I am here to do the devil's work.
    For absolutely NO REASON Whatsoever!

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  • Energy

    Lucky you!

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  • Sidekickz

    believe me you fear something...

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  • Dozis

    The devil only claims the souls of those who have sinned. The biggest the sin, the more he wants your soul. Witch. And I am going to HAVE IT!
    I am going to HAVE IT! (possessed person routine)

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