Is it normal to not have any respect for the muslims?

First of all I am not muslim

I am wondering why do people make so much fun of muslims and their religion. I mean first there was the "caricature", then this film and then Charlie L'Hebdo this french newspaper. Why do people do this? Yes they say that we are free to express our opinion. But aren't we going too far?

is it normal that all muslims pay for the error of a few who are not even real muslims?

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50% Normal
Based on 208 votes (105 yes)
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Comments ( 85 )
  • dappled

    Ignorance, plain and simple. People believe what they read in newspapers, they believe stereotypes, they believe Muslims are intrinsically different than them and have way different values. And Muslims themselves believe certain things about non-Muslims. It's not a non-Muslim problem. It's a people problem.

    I don't know why people are so keen to segregate themselves, so closed to anything different than what they've experienced, so willing to hate. Apparently it comes from fear but I think there's more to it than that.

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    • I was shocked that some people I thought were smart wrote rubbish. Just look at the first comments. I think that by having a common enemy - Islam the US have succeeded in uniting the people for a cause. The rest of the world does not think alike

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      • dappled

        This is very much my opinion too. Telling a nation they have a common enemy (a country, concept or religion) to fear is a very powerful tool in terms of making a population malleable and open to a "just" war. Whether it be communism, Islam, or whatever else.

        There are people I know whose mental image of a Muslim (any Muslim) is a man screaming vitriol, burning a flag, and hitting a hostage with his shoe.

        I'm perhaps blessed in that I have close relationships with quite a number of practising Muslims and we talk frankly about religion, world politics, the media. It is a *very* different picture to the way the media presents it.

        If asked to say what I think of when I think of Muslims, the first thing that comes to mind is the strength of their family bonds.

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    • PapzBSlim

      Damn, you're good. Run for President already.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      It comes from what we're seeing in the news, if the liberal media actually reports on it. Barbarians constantly rioting and blowing things up if they get offended.
      Jesus has been slandered for so long in the USA and the the rest of the world, but Christians remain civilized.

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  • dom180

    Reading these comments made my mind feel raped by the tiny penis of conversely enormous ignorance.

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    • That's some funny shit! lol

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  • MissDethstar

    As a women i've got no reason to like them, i respect them that is the best i can do. If i where in their country i'd be treated no better than a dog. Their way of thinking disgust me that is all. Not all of them are like that, i had a wonderful friend who was Muslim but that didn't change much...because she lived here. Every religion is subject to discrimination, for good or bad reasons. If religious respected atheist, female, homosexual and black people it could change.

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    • disthing

      As with most other major religions, there are variations in the interpretation and implementation of each. For example, Christianity is incredibly varied with many people technically Christian having conflicting opinions and beliefs, even if the general core belief is the same. Islam is exactly the same. The way some interpret it is not the way others do, yet they may all consider themselves muslims. You have muslims who do not adhere to this idea that women are second to men, who do not deem women property, who will not think it their right to be violent to their wives because they are husbands or think it their husbands' right to be violent towards them because they are their wives.

      The problem is in almost all countries where Islam is the predominant religion, in general, there is economic and social difficulty - conflict, oppression and poverty. Much of the inequality is ingrained into the culture and turned into tradition, tradition reinforced by religion. Islam is often merely a justification, rather than the reason - in these cases it is a tool used to control and repress.

      There are many more moderate muslims who do not adhere to the fanaticism that is so well known and popularly reported upon, and these are the muslims who are tarnished by those wrong-uns in the limelight.

      "If I were in their country..." which country? They don't all come from or reside in a single country. Every culture is different, even if a religion is shared.

      It's good you respect them, and I agree that every religion should be subject to rational scrutiny. I also agree that in many African and Asian countries Islam is not represented well, but your 'wonderful' friend is a muslim too and you should use her as a reflection of how being a muslim does not necessarily mean being sexist, violent or hateful. Just because she is not in a majority-muslim country, does not mean she is not a 'proper muslim'. You like her, right? So you contradicted your first statement - you can like muslims as well as respecting them.

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    • DarkBlue

      Hey Dethstar..No offence, but I have to disagree with you..I'm a Muslim, Egyptian woman, and I am definitely not treated like a "dog" in my country. I agree with you some people might be treated unfairly by extremist governments in their countries but this is not religion's fault. It's how people, esp. politicians, misuse religion to serve their own ends. Yet what you are saying about the way Muslim women are generally treated is a more of a misconception to me. It's not really about living "here" or "there". I also believe that the media plays a major role in our perception of the "Other", again to serve political ends.

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      • MissDethstar

        You can pass the door without a man, you can choose who you want to marry ? You can go to school and be an independent women ? If you really have your freedom then i'm happy to be wrong. I always had some pity toward women in those country. Maybe the media and social beliefs where wrong.

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        • jachis08

          Yes, yes and yes. I'm a muslim guy from jordan. My own sisters can go wherever they want, they never were forced to marry who they did not want, went to school, and had the complete freedom to choose what to study. And I'm not saying we're opposing our religion this way, coz that's exactly what our religion tells us to do. And about the discrimination thing you mentioned, islam does not discriminate females or blacks, does not order to "murder" atheists or homosexuals, but however opposes atheism and homosexuality. But again what religion doesn't. I myself oppose homosexuality, but respect, in order from islam, homosexuals. Please do not make the media reflect bad images to you that u can barely have true access to. and by media I include the internet, coz lots of the opinions out there come from the media. Again I repeat what was said before, there are extremists that know religion by what they learned from illiterates, and just ruin the image of islam. All respect from Jordan ;)

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          • I think that american's opinions cannot be taken much into consideration because from what I see they have all been brainwashed. What I wanted people to realise is that the news is making us or trying to make us believe whatever sells more and that we should be able to see beyond that. Have you seen the series they are making these days?? Muslims are always the bad people and americans the heroes. Is this always true in the reality? I don't think so.
            Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate there are people like you here, I share your opinions

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          • o_0


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        • peeweekid

          I've been doing all that for my whole life. I'm a Muslim woman (and no I'm not an Arab/Middle Eastern) but I grew up in a Muslim dominant country. I'm currently pursuing a university degree, I have the right to drive, stay up late, hang out/walk alone with members of the opposite sex. I'm not against any homosexuals (and other people who identifies with other different "non-heterosexual" sexuality, or gender), religion whatsoever. I'm basically given the freedom to do whatever the fuck I want, with no consequences whatsoever (as long as it's legal, haha).

          And to answer your question, yes the media and "your" social beliefs ARE wrong. Because a bunch of us are what you'd consider to be "normal" and "tolerant". We're just practicing a different religion, that's all.

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        • DarkBlue

          Yes I can..I went to school and university..I have my own family trusts me and don't interfere in my decisions unless I ask them for help. And definitely no one can force me to get married to someone I don't like! Maybe some people do this in some cultures but that does not have anything to do with religion. In Islam, the woman has too be 100% convinced about the guy she wants to get married to. And yeah, I agree with you the media really plays a vicious role in all of this. Not just about Muslims, but in every culture you will find people trying to define themselves by creating "enemies"..They fill our minds with these ideas so we can trust our silly governments and tolerate their silly decisions because they are "protecting" us form these weird civilizations. I am sure many people in my country have many misconceptions about Americans or westerns in general too. So, maybe we just need to build some bridges here :)

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          • iEatZombies_

            I completely agree with you. I once watched a documenary that showed this little boy absolutely enraged, reasonably so, because an American soldier shot and killed his father.. It was incredibly sad..
            Now he's blinded by rage at the Americans who took his father, even though most of us are against this needless war. He vowed to kill as many Americans as he could because of it.
            Though I can't say I blame him.

            I know one day countries will rise against us, and most of us won't see it coming; most of us feel safe in our gated communities. When the time does come, it won't be the government that made this mess who pays; it'll be us. I know a lot of countries know and understand loss and suffering, a lot of times by the hands of Americans, but Americans won't know how to adapt. We'll go crazy and cave in ourselves.

            I can't help feeling our government is sabotaging us this way, by causing so many misconceptions and downright lying. I think our government wants us to make enemies and sell us out.

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        • oh my goodnessss yes yes yes! ofcourse u can! we got ot college, get PHD's! i am surprised people think we live in the medieval ages, its pretty funny actually haha. u have the right to do whatever u want, go get piercings if like ! who cares! really its not like what u guys think :s

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      • iEatZombies_

        I've always felt I should apologize for the propaganda half of my home country has bought into over the years, regarding the misconception of your faith.

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    • There are muslims women who are very happy women and I think that the US and the media have succeeded in making much people believe that muslims are all potential terrorists and that their women are slaves but that's not true.

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  • nightmare28

    "free to express our opinion. But aren't we going too far?" How far is too far? In some places people go to jail or being executed for speaking against the president, maybe they have gone too far as well, you limit people's freedom of speech and you can kiss democracy goodbye. Of course not every Muslim is a terrorist, but how come 95/100 times you hear about a terrorist attack, there are some Muslims involved? Also remember that not every infidel makes anti-Islamic movies or draw caricatures. Whats worse, the "few" who kill people by suicide attacks and spread fear, or people who draw pictures and make movies? American ambassador Chris Stevens had nothing to do with the movie, yet he was killed for it.

    In a Muslim place ruled by Sharia laws called Saudi Arabia a life there is such thing as Diyya, or blood money, payed to the family if someone is killed, here are the prices:

    300,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
    150,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
    150,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish man
    75,000 riyals if a Christian or Jewish woman
    6,666 riyals if a man of any other religion
    3,333 riyals if a woman of any other religion

    How come a woman worth only half as much as a man? How come a Christian or a Jew worth only half as much as a Muslim? How come a member of any other religion is almost worthless all-together? and how can you put a price on a person's life?

    Before you accuse others in mistreating the Muslims, ask yourself how well are the non-Muslims treated in Muslim nations.

    Btw, what about all the caricatures the Muslims make? Should we form a mob and attack the embassies of the Muslim countries all over the world?

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    • Another brainwashed american

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      • nightmare28

        I am not American and I assure you I'm not brainwashed, I've seen many Muslims from up-close both in my civilian and military life. I respect that you have a different opinion, I'm not gonna attack your embassy for it, I don't know why did you assume I was an American, I assure you not only Americans feel this way toward Muslims, and you call me brainwashed, but you haven't pointed out which part of it is wrong, as always the case, some Muslims would call you a brainwashed American, some will start attacking your religion or history, and others will just attack you or an embassy.But you said you're not a Muslim, so please tell me, which part do you believe I'm wrong about, or perhaps you just refuse to believe there is anything wrong with the Muslims despite the facts being presented to you, in which case, its you who are brainwashed my friend.

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      • iEatZombies_

        I assure you, a lot of us aren't this way. My apologies and behalf of those who are.

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    • o_0

      at least they are keeping a price for it....!!According to jurisprudential and historical studies, blood money is an economical matter. It has been legislated in order to compensate for the loss incurred by the injured. From another point of view, in an ideal society, which Islam attempts to create, most of the economic activity is carried out by men.if we look at the general duties of men we find that women are excluded from many of such duties while the most important duty of a woman is to manage the corner stone of society...where as man is required to fulfill the economic needs of one side it is also related to the physical aspects of a person. since men are much stronger and have much more duties they have double of womens compensation. it does not obviously meant hat in Islam the status of women is lesser than that of man`.it is according to the loss of society or family . if it was according to the status of man then scholars would have more blood money than other menial worker... its not in favor of men or shows high status of men it is according to general law full of wisdom, where women requires to be favored THey ARE ,, YOU WANT EXAMPLE I CAN GIVE.. OBVIOUSLY FAMILY WOULD BE AT MORE LOSS IF IT LOSES A MAN ,ECONOMICALLY ..ILL FIND FOR THE NON MUSLIM THING TOO AND LET YOU KNOW....
      not every terrorist attack is made by Muslims keep in mind its just stereotyping... why does every one remember 9/11 and not the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki due to which still their generations are affected ... and many many lives others have destroyed .... AND BY THE WAY THERE ARE MANY RIGHTS FOR NON MUSLIMS IN ISLAM ....SO DONT AIR INCOMPLETE KNOWLEDGE SPREAD WHAT IS RIGHT..!!

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      • nightmare28

        In some twisted logic you explained why men worth twice as much as women, but what about the other religions?
        Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a part of a war, Japan wouldn't surrender until then and soldiers were getting slaughtered. 9/11 is just one example, in total, there have been over 18,000 Islamic terrorist attacks since 2001, against both Muslims and non-Muslims, if it was just 9/11 and the Muslims around the world would condemn it instead of either supporting or passing the blame on the Jews or the CIA, Islam would've been seen differently.

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        • o_0

          wow innocent others.... its a blame game ...reality is seen by every one and we know how much innocent and life saving Americans or(others )are many many attacks from them and thousands get killed every day for instance have a view of Afghanistan...!!....
          for the answer to your claim.... i had questioned a few knowledgeable people and came to know your info was a bit faulty.... whats the fact is that if the non Muslim is under the supervision of government and is killed by a Muslim then the penalty equals but if he's killed by a non Muslim then the penalty is half... if the murdered is not under the supervision of the govt or is a journalist and is killed then the govt. does not take any responsibility and the penalty goes to half or none...
          sadly i agree to the fact we always fail to prove our selves and you guys in any possible way put the blame on others ....POLICIES>...!!! i will research a bit for this and give you a mouth opening answer, statistically....

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    • jachis08

      There's nothing as such in islamic law, this is Saudian government law, which unfortunately, does not go with islamic law, though the call their law islamic. Give me one evidence from islam that a woman or a christian is less worth than a muslim and I'll shut up. I'm a muslim btw.
      And yeah, btw, there are no standard prices, Deyyeh is given as a compensation, and there is no pre-agreed upon price, it's just they have to give compensation. All respect :)

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      • nightmare28

        O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it down. And let a scribe write [it] between you in justice. Let no scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught him. So let him write and let the one who has the obligation dictate. And let him fear Allah , his Lord, and not leave anything out of it. But if the one who has the obligation is of limited understanding or weak or unable to dictate himself, then let his guardian dictate in justice. And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her. And let not the witnesses refuse when they are called upon. And do not be [too] weary to write it, whether it is small or large, for its [specified] term. That is more just in the sight of Allah and stronger as evidence and more likely to prevent doubt between you, except when it is an immediate transaction which you conduct among yourselves. For [then] there is no blame upon you if you do not write it. And take witnesses when you conclude a contract. Let no scribe be harmed or any witness. For if you do so, indeed, it is [grave] disobedience in you. And fear Allah . And Allah teaches you. And Allah is Knowing of all things.

        Clearly shows that a woman worth only half as much as a man, one man is preferred over 2 women actually.
        I couldn't find the rates or how much they pay for non Muslim, but in Iran payment for a woman is also half of that for a man.

        I'm sure you are well aware of the historical events when the Muslims conquered territories and people who lived there were given a choice, convert or die.

        Quran 9:5

        Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (polytheists) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

        Please don't misunderstand me, I don't claim that every Muslim is a terrorist and that you find an AK-47 and a suicide jacket in every house, I've met many Muslims who are nice and polite people, but as a unit its a different story, and until the vast majority of Muslims learn that you can't attack people every time someone says something you don't like people won't see Islam any different, you can't make people respect you by fear, fear causes hate, not respect.

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        • ok so the part talking about women being worth half men is only and only related to inheritance. why so? because in islam a man is expected to be financially responsible of his wife and children as well as his mom and his sisters if they are unmarried if his dad passed away, but a woman in islam is not responsible financially of anyone and the money she receives in inheritance is only for her so mainly the worth is money wise and its more for the man to be able to pay for a larger number of individuals.

          the second part i am not sure from which part in the quran that is i'll have to ask my muslim friend about it.

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Nothing EVER should be exempt from humour or jokes just because some people think it's not funny. It's not about the subject of the joke, it's about the way the joke is told.

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  • anti-hero

    So if you don't like someone's opinion you just delete it? That is really mature. It wasn't rude or offensive and had 25 thumbs up. You are a prick.

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  • hasty

    On the real: Christians should be showing compassion and not judging Muslims over anything. Apparently many Christians have thrown these values out the window.

    Wishing they were bombed is disturbing, because there are certainly many innocent people cohabiting with the ones who are up in arms over some youtube video.

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    • Exactly. I hoped to see people think this way when I posted this. I hope much people will read your comment and understand

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  • Lynxikat

    Yes, it's completely logical to hate an entire religious group based solely on what some terrorists of have done in the name of their religion. Because of the actions of these terrorists, we must condemn the entire religious group. Clearly there is logic to this!

    (By the way. I'm being sarcastic. In case you didn't get it).

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  • coffeebreath

    There was a riot in Sydney last week over that film, and some of the Muslims who were there talked about "freedom of speech", and their right to protest. What they don't seem to understand is that they aren't the only ones with the right to free speech, and if people want to make fun of religious figures, then they should be able to.

    Before this incident, there were already tensions in this country regarding Muslims, and I'm afraid the riot in Sydney has only made things worse for those Muslims who are genuinely good people. It's not right, but unfortunately, the minority is louder than the majority.

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  • Mando

    I really don't think it is free speech in the western world that is oppressing most of the world's Muslims.

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  • reefer

    They are a pack of ingrates that should be bombed back into the Stone Age where they belong.
    Why don't the so called normal Muslims pull the retards back into line?

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    • Then why don't the normal christians put the retard ones back in line as well? Every religion can be "retarded" in its extreme form. You cant control the few who get out of line. Do you expect that your average christians approve of something rediclous like the westboro baptist church "which even extremist baptists denounce"? no, theres nothing that can be done about people being stupid.

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  • charli.m

    I thought this story was going to go in the opposite direction and was ready to report it...sorry OP, and thank you for not being like that.

    I'm not Muslim, or religious. I do not understand why people feel the need to aggravate others based on religion (or any other religion, for that matter).

    I think it just comes down to some people being attention whores. They enjoy the attention they get from causing controversy. That is to say, they're cunts.

    The violent reactions from fucking idiot Muslims (not ALL Muslims) are wrong, but equally, the fucking idiots who go and start this shit are wrong, too.

    To paraphrase Tim Minchin, there are is a surplus of fucking idiots in this equation :(

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    • That's exactly how I feel. Some people get so low, it's unbelievable. I simply don't understand all the hate.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        And everyone else doesn't understand the hate muslims have for all non-muslims. ...kill all infidels right? Is that not hate???

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  • CreativeThinker

    This is also a fact that Muslims never made fun of Jesus and they say they are not muslims until they respect Jesus as much as they respect any other prophet describe in there holy book,That is surprising part for me....

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  • wuddeva

    I find it all hilarious. We are all such good people, let's rage severely over a single asshole that no one in America cares about, causing havoc and hate speech to abound. That is exactly what they should have done. The Muslims that decided to do this are not bright at all. I come from a Muslim family, none of whom flipped the fuck out over something as stupid as this shit. I lost respect for many people but not all. Not all...

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  • DustinZ35

    The OP instantly reveals they know very little, if anything about the Qur'an or Islamic faith. Anyone who has more than a cursory knowledge of Islamic teaching must accept as fact that the Qur'an clearly dictates that Muslim faithfuls MUST wage war against any and all non-believers; i.e convert them, subjugate them, or If the previous two inducements fail, kill them. Beheading are quite a popular method as well as amputations. There are many passages in the Qur'an about this; look it up. Any Muslim who does not follow the Qur'anic mandates as indicated are nominal Muslims at most and are themselves subject to the same penalties as any non-Muslim by those who follow the Qur'an to the letter ( also known as Islamic Fundamentalists). Therefore, the stereotypes regarding the violence, brutality, and subjugation and horrible mistreatment of infidels and women in general are well deserved.

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    • charli.m

      And have you read, say, Leviticus?

      I am not the OP. I have not read the Qur'an. But from the Muslim people I know, I find what you are saying here to be questionable.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        Does the koran not say kill infidels? Of course it does, you should read those passages and have your muslim acquaintances explain why.

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        • charli.m

          I find your hatred a little disturbing.

          Don't blame all of one group for the evils of some.

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          • MonkeyBusiness:)

            thats exaaactly what ive been trying to say! but i cant argue with him/her

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            • charli.m

              Blah, I know. Still...their problem, not mine. I'm happy with being more tolerant that some. Ultimayely, he's entitled to his beliefs, it's just sad that they are so negatively geared.

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  • Moonbow

    They're a bunch of fuckin' lunatics! Of course it's normal!

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  • MonkeyBusiness:)

    Quit judging, christians kill people, catholics kill people, humans kill humans we all kill in between eachother. trying to protect your damn religion isnt getting you ANYWHERE! I respect every single person because were all human.... i personally sometimes think that my muslim fruends are pretty cool they do nothing to try and hurt anyone theyve always tried to protect me as their friend, i guess some just go crazy and do what they are told to do, people here in america also kill people for a damn living and why dont we bring these sick fucks up? oh cuz their not muslims huh? im just saying quit being ignorant!

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    I can't stand those bastards.

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  • DefJay

    I'm all for freedom of speech, but you have to agree that it is pretty stupid to do such things when you know what the outcome will be.

    I know that when I call my brother an asshole, he will kick my ass.
    Result: I do not call my brother an asshole.

    let sleeping dogs lie!

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  • o_0

    we all have to accept the fact that religion no where affects ones capabilities and other things.... no nation or religion or race has to be represented by few people... every one has a right to be respected and loved .... what they believe and think and do is not to matter we should do what we are supposed to. NO RELIGION TEACHES WRONG>>> we found many Jews many Christians many Hindus many Muslims doing crimes but that does not mean that the whole notion or every one having the same belief is evil or does crimes.... go in Muslim states and you'll find how much love giving ,helping, friendly, down to earth and good people they are and so is the case for any other state ... or religious group .. judge people with their character and deeds and BE POSITIVE >>>PLEASE DONT BE RACISTS>>> :) :)

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  • DarkBlue

    I can't agree more with dappled and charli.m. On the one hand, like Charlie said, some people are enjoying attention and causing controversy (or I might call it enjoying "picking a fight"), and some people are either too much of extremists or idiots to fall into such a stupid trap. A detail that escapes many of us is that the stupid movie was made by an immigrant from Egypt. It's literally like picking a fight or encouraging some kind of conflict in his homeland between Muslims and Christians (since Egypt is not all Muslims, and idiots from both sides can easily be driven into conflicts which reflects back on the country itself!). Somehow it all ends up in politics, and like dappled said, some people tend to define themselves in terms of Us Vs Them...I really don't understand why!
    As a Muslim myself, and like many other Muslims I know, I don't support the mindless, violent terrors that some idiots have caused. If you even saw these kind of people on the TV, you would know that they hardly represent religion or any normal citizens from the country..they look like gangsters or criminals, or at the very best ignorant, uneducated people. I don't support those idiots who claim they are religious and terrorize or harm others. I also don't understand why people wouldn't respect others' beliefs. Why not leave the sacred subjects alone. Why others insist on attacking one another. It is a vicious cycle.

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  • SangoNyappy

    I think people wouldn't be like this if Muslim could control themselves. I know not all of them are like this but if you act like violent person to prove that your religion isn't violent that's just ridiculous.

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    • I think that if every body control itself the world would be a better place.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        How does acting violent prove you're not violent?

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  • "Yes they say that we are free to express our opinion. But aren't we going too far?"

    Uhm, I think it's up to the person to think whether they are going to far or not. Sorry if it hurts your feeling but people are allowed to voice their opinion no matter who gets pissed off. There is no "going to far". And if you are wondering why no one likes the Muslims, maybe if they stopped bombing innocent people, murdering people in embassies, bombing towers and killing other people for NOT being Muslim maybe people would like them better. It not just a "select few" that you seem to think, it's a mass majority that are psychotic, militant fuck heads. I should know, I have met many of them and I don't think they should be able to be within 1000 miles of any civilized nation with their crazy backwards belief.

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    • You should broaden your view.

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      • Hey, I'm not the one saying we should remove freedom of speech. I'm pretty sure your the one with the narrowed view.

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  • Imposturously_yours

    You know what? Those damn cunts really piss me off, but I can't say that I hate "muslims", because I've met many good people that happen to be muslim. The difference is the people themselves -there are normal, rational people that chose islam. They just shrug and pretty much ignore this. It's about free speech, what can you do?

    And there are those fucking apes rioting in the streets, attacking people -because they've been "insulted".

    I wish someone would drop napalm on them.

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  • fullofhate78

    You shouldn't really respect any religious group.

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  • PalestinianGuy

    I'm a Muslim and I'm not bothered by it, because people who doesn't respect me\my faith, I don't respect them, so Why would I care about their uneducated and ignorant opinions?

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  • funnymoments

    when i read the title i had a different idea but when i read the subject i was amazed you are totally right no one has the right to do like that because real Muslims will never hurt anyone

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  • (s)aint

    First of all: I'm against all religions and Islam would be one of the very least secularised religions that is spreading across the globe.
    I'm living in Sweden where our government cancels Christian traditions in Schools and builds more and more mosques ...

    How can I not dislike this when I'm against religions?

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  • greenpenguin13

    I'm not saying that I hate Muslims. But, everytime I see them in public I do get a little scared. I am American, so how could I not be? They attacked our country1

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    • It's nice to admit it. I truly appreciate your frankness even though I would have prefered that yous opinions were different. You're the first american to speak so frankly in this entire discussion. You know in 2006 I was taking a flight on 9/11 and there were two muslims on the same plane I was a little scared but then I realised that I was becoming like all those people and decided to see things with my own eyes. Many thanks for your comment

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      • greenpenguin13

        That's just how i feel. I know i probably sound pretty racist, but i don't make a big deal in public or anything like that. America just needs a little more healing time, that's all.

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        • Terence_the_viking

          I am scared of americans judging me on the way i look i know it may sound bad but that is the way americans make me feel.

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          • greenpenguin13

            i,m sorry if we make you feel this way, but you need to understand what we're going through. If americans did this to the country that you're from, how would you feel? If people are down right mean to you in public, then that type of thing is uncalled for. Just try to understand it from our point of view.

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            • Terence_the_viking

              But i have always felt this way about americans even before this all happened. Is it right to judge someone because of the way they look?

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  • DustinZ35

    @charli.m I know about a lot of the violence in the Bible and it's irrelevant. It's presumptuous to conclude that I'm arguing against Islam in favor of Christianity. ALL religion is archaic mythology that should have been discarded long ago. It not only promotes superstition, prejudice, ignorance, and often violence, it is also often been responsible for impeding scientific progress for centuries. Galileo is one very good example. Look him up. In response to your contention, I'm sure you do know some very upstanding Muslims but as I indicated, there are nominal Muslims who reject many of the dictates in the Qur'an that call for violence against non-Muslims but who are really Muslim in name only and there are the fundamentalists who follow the Qur'an to the letter and wage war against unbelievers. These are the individuals who strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves and others to bits, read verses out of the Qur'an just before they brutally behead someone as they scream for mercy, or commandeer a plane and fly it into a building.

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  • sega31098

    Because Muslims aren't used to people poking at their religion 24/7 unlike in the West.
    BTW, Muslims in the west can laugh at Muslim jokes. But in the Middle East, it may be something new in a bad way.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      Here's something to consider...The Jews are known in the states for (among other things) their comedy. Seinfeld, Mel Brooks, Jon Stewart, and so many more.

      I defy anyone here to name one famously hilarious Muslim.

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  • MeHTa

    Its not about the religion. I lived in Israel, believe me, I have more right then anyone on here to hate but I don't. And the reason for that is that my mother is from Turkmenistan which is a Muslim country. I would say that our neighbors were the warmest people you could encounter and let me tell you, never did they discriminate against my family even though we are white and blonde. I played with their kids when I was little. They still keep in touch. Muslims who are living on territories and who surround Israel hate and I really mean it, they HATE Americans and Jews and blame their mistreatment on everyone around. So here is the deal, people who are educated no matter what religion they are going to be normal and should not be discriminated against, but uneducated folk are the problem. How are neighboring rednecks better? On another hand, i also understand people in France because their government allowed so many muslim immigrants in and now they block whole rods for prayer... Excuse me but this is freaking Paris. If someone would block my road I wouldn't be happy either. Political cartoons are their way of fighting back.

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  • Saycheese

    How about I don't give a shit. Just get over it and move on...

    Like Parrish said it's not just the Muslims that get made fun of because of their religion. If other people don't give a shit, why can't they. Just believe what you want to believe and ignore the people who oppose of the beliefs and who are ignorant.

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  • stephen1

    Sorry have some error on those comments
    *killed people
    The others im sure ur smart enough to figure out by urself,,:-)

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  • stephen1

    I see some comments stating that the muslims are baf,are plantin bombs,etc.. First of all.. ISLAM DODNT ALLOW a life to be taken just like that,. No one has the rights to kill anyone.. U mothafucka shoild not just believe what u read... Even i can do sumtin and put the blame on sum1else than say theu r wrong...most of them are not even a muslim.. They use muslim name and they do it,. Plus havent u heard non muslims cmoting crime too?? Lets say a chritian plant a bomb in a cinema and killedillipns of lives... Does it mean all the christians are evil??? Think about it man..

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Believing just what we read? Are you living on earth or has your head been in the sand?
      Christians don't go psycho when Jesus is insulted. Just stay over there in your 7th century society and don't let the women talk back.

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      • I somehow agree with stephen1 comment's because when a crime is committed never in the news you would here, "A christian killed two people."But if it happens to be a muslim then his faith would make first news and then someone will link it with a terrorist group etc etc making people think that muslims are criminals.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          The lame stream media is very reluctant to label a terrorist as muslim.
          The USA is so busy bending over backwards to accommodate them that Major Nidal Hassan's radical behavior was all but ignored before his terrorist act(not labeled as terrorism).

          And Obama won't label the killing of our ambassador as terrorism.

          The muslims have Obama in their back pocket doing their will. Did you hear the stmt he made just yesterday? "The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam" Have you ever heard him support Christians like that? People slander Jesus all the time in fact the media condones that so called freedom of speech.
          But Christians don't blow things up in response, they are civilized unlike the terrorists.

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  • SharP

    They're pissed off that Western Culture is infiltrating their once sheltered little world. I work with Muslims who tell me that if you were to go to one of those middle eastern countries, some cities look just like cities here in the states, give or take some architectural differences.

    Look at muslims here in the states! I knew that western culture had tapped them when I went to the mall and saw Muslim girls in hijabs wearing high heels and Bebe shirts.

    They are not like the United States, which is a mix of so many different cultures that it is difficult to pinpoint a TRUE American culture (even a true Native American culture!), but they are becoming globalized much more quickly than some members of their society can handle and with the globalization, Western Culture is flooding their countries and they are watching the breakdown of their values and they just can't fucking handle it.

    So they should move to Russia.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Look at every world conflict in the last 20-30 years. Muslims complaining about their "rights" seem to be involved in just about all of them.

    Where there's smoke there's fire. People that insulate themselves from the outside world, dress differently, revolve their lives around a mideval text and just generally choose to live their lives so conspicuosly differently than those around them are bound to attract attention.

    This (usually) negative attention further insulates folks from each other. Let's not forget the "death to the infidel" thing. All dominant groups seem to need to belittle outsiders and Islam is no different.

    You need to feel superior to me because I had bacon this morning? Fine. Pigs are indeed filthy and delicious animals that are perfectly safe to eat with modern meat handling practices and refrigeration, unlike when the fatwah was written. But in the end, I had the bacon, so I win. Remember, the whole world eats chicken and no animal is more disgusting. But I digress...

    Before I'm labeled "ignorant" by someone (why is it that anyone who disagrees with Islam is automatically ignorant), consider this...

    There is a great deal of media and discussion, modern texts, movies, etc. about the life & times of Jesus (whom I consider one of history's great philosophers, nothing more). I can easily read about or see a movie and get a good understanding of his life and the different teachings and philosophies that came from it without ever cracking a bible. A great deal of this information could be considered offensive by different folks. So what? It's still there and I'm a big boy who can think for myself and weed out the bullshit.

    Then there's Islam. Apparently the second an ifidel like me utters the word "mohammed", I'm being blasphemous and ignorant. Islam expects me to be weak so that I may draw my strength from Allah. Fine, but like I said, I can think for myself and weed out the bullshit.

    So tell me, supporters of the one true religion...If we the infidels of the world are so fucking intolerant and ignorant, how do I educate myself better about Islam without visiting my local mosque? Any good unbiased facts out there about the story of the life & times of Mohammed and what makes him so great?

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