Is it normal to not like video games anymore?
I used to be an video gaming addict ,used to play 10-15 hours a day ,but not i just dont find them appealing no more ,i dont have friends and im just bored to hell
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I used to be an video gaming addict ,used to play 10-15 hours a day ,but not i just dont find them appealing no more ,i dont have friends and im just bored to hell
10-15hs a day whew.
I thought i was a addict playing for 2hs a day
On weekends =P
Yeah this is normal
Your interests can change
I used to really love baseball, but not I just sort of grew out of it.
Just find something else that you like to do!
What the fu*k is rong with you no not normal buy new games halo black ops !!!!!????
HOW THE HELL COULD U STOP PLAYING VIDEO GAMES!!!! I have to give it to you if i had to do it i would be going into withdraw lol
yeah i go through that too. sometimes i play games no stop after work until after midnight and then after a while i dont play at all. comes and goes.
Yeah it's normal. I lost interest in them when I met my girlfriend. Took me 7 months to beat assassins creed 2 <.<