Is it normal to not look someone in the eye when your talking to them?

I don't like to look people in the eye when i talk to them. I usually look at something somewhere else. I'm not embarrassed by it or anything, i just want to know if anyone else does this.

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77% Normal
Based on 101 votes (78 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • Oh man my cousin used to do this.

    It was so awkward having conversations with him when his eyes were fixed on my balls the whole time.

    Look people's fears will inevitably lead them to actions that will cause their fears to come true. Look them in the eye no matter what your fear tells you.

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  • piggowiggo

    I have the opposite problem. I stare intently at their eyeballs, without ever looking away. I tend to stare at faces, even when they aren't talking to me. Especially teachers. They will sort of glance at me nervously. It gets really annoying.

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  • wigsplitz

    I feel wierd about it if it goes on for more than a few seconds but then again I have lots of social anxieties so I'm not sure what's normal regarding that. If someone is talking to me for a long time, like explaining something to me, and I kinda HAVE to be focused on them, I've been told I make funny faces and hold my breath unknowingly. Wow, I bet THAT made you feel a whole lot better.....;)

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  • er1s

    A lot of people do this, but almost all of them are on the autism spectrum or have social anxiety.

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  • Crudhouse

    It's offensive in some cultures. I personally find it irritating when someone tries to keep eyecontact throughout the whole time I'm talking to them because TV tells them to. I like looking at people's mouths. It's almost the eye and much more expressive. What's intuitive about looking at someone's eyeballs?

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  • wreckd

    I get nervous too while talking to someone too long. I squince my eyes, for some reason that makes me feel better about it.

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  • Aaaha, I do this sometimes and I'm like looking at a tree and there like who are you talking to? They laugh at me. >.<

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  • karal23

    I have two reasons I don't look people in the eye very often during a conversation. One is that I have a hearing deficit, so I tend to look at their lips to get additional information to process what they are saying. The other reason is that I get really distracted sometimes if I am watching someones face while they are talking, and I can't concentrate on the conversation.

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  • Twitch

    I'm the same way. I also have something called asperger's. A mild form of autism resulting in a better-than-average IQ an deminished social skills. Even if you don't have this I recommend reading a book called Look Me In The Eye. Its by someone who has both asperger's and this problem and will help you cope with it.

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    • karal23

      Look Me In The Eye is a great book!

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  • Decimo

    Yeah its normal, Its a bit intimidating if someone just stares at you intently while you're talking.

    Depending on the person, it may even be funny.

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  • reallynormal

    you might have a medical condition it is called a TIC i have this and when you talk to some one you look away you might need to go see a eye doctor right away and ask if you have TIC.

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  • glassesguy9119

    if im talking to someone i look away to piss them off because they no i wont pay attention to them. its normal.

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  • Jerald

    I have this same problem. Like the first poster I have a lot of social anxieties and I feel awkward if I look into someone's eyes. I will occasionally force myself to glance up just so I don't look like I'm totally zoned out, but for the most part I just stare to the left or right of them.

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  • Faceless

    I intently stare at someones forehead and imagine a bullet slowly penetrating their skull to the point of losing track of the conversation. Wait, is this normal?

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  • chewy

    so where do you look by where the titties are at?

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