Is it normal to not make eye contact?

While talking with someone other than my family and my best friends and my gf..i feel weird to make eye contact for a long i talk and look somewhere it normal?

Voting Results
77% Normal
Based on 82 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • UpTheDrunx77

    Good question. I cant look into people eyes either! It bugs the shit out of me cause i feel like its awkward for me and the other person. I dont think it is normal so this is how i deal with it: if you're in a situation where eye contact is important (ie. Job interview, important meeting, etc.) simply stare at their forehead between their eyes.

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  • answerme

    You shouldn't stare in their eyes like your piercing their soul but you shouldn't be staring at their tits the whole time either

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  • (s)aint

    I'll too mention the "in between the eyes and forehead thing" At first when my dad told me this i was certain that people would notice that it wasn't "real" eye contact but when I've asked people that i trust about it and have them try to spot the difference, they cant.

    This helps, some.
    But for me I think that the thing that i feel is more uncomfortable is having THEM looking into MY eyes.

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  • MissesAnonymous23

    When I talk to someone, I always look them in the eyes. It's just what your comfort level is, you're not strange for it. When I find someone who doesn't look me in the eyes, I just assume they're a shy person, but I don't think there's anything wrong with them :)

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  • captainpooppants

    I am the same way. The only time I don't feel uncomfortable is when I'm in an interview or meeting someone important and I have to make eye contact does it not bother me. I can make eye contact better now with out feeling strange. Its normal but if you practice at making eye contact it will get less weird I promise.

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  • UpTheDrunx77

    If it bugs you it bugs yoy. Explain to him why it bothers you. Try to produce a compromise. If you still arent happy about it maybe you should look else where for companion ship. After all, you dont want to change him

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  • camco

    I do that too

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  • NothingxCrazy

    I like to make eye contact, but I feel awkward when I do it for too long.

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  • Bandaid419

    I feel it is normal. Unless I'm playing the staring game it kind of makes me uncomfortable to look into someone's eyes for too long. And vice versa.

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  • theworldsfuked

    Totally normal, it's prob cause they are a stranger...

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