Is it normal to not put pictures with eyes it it on my walls?

My walls are completely bare, and my night lamp with a ballerina carved into it is blindfolded. My old stuffed animals all have their backs turned and face the wall. I cant sleep , change clothes, or even concentrate because i feel like they are all staring at me.
There is no way in hell this can be normal. :(

Voting Results
42% Normal
Based on 84 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • phew, i thought you meant pictures with their eyes cut out

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  • myweirdself16

    i sort of have the opposite thing, i make my stuffed animals stare at me, but if i look at a picture where the person is looking directly into your soul, i get nervous and can't look at it. i've always done the stuffed animal thing since i was younger.

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  • monkeytine

    I've been scared of stuffed animals since I saw this horror movie from the 70's where a girl was sleeping with a stuffed animal, and she turned over in her bed and the stuffed animal had become possessed by a demonic entity, so it's eyes were glowing and it had sharp teeth and an evil me shudders to this day! lol.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I do this too. I'm really paranoid and I'm scared of dolls with their eyes. I've had dolls that I used to love, but now I can't look at them, because I'm scared that they are staring at me. There used to be this "doll head" and I had to movie it to another room. I have another one of those heads in my closet and it scares me shitless.

    I recently was keeping a nutcracker and one eventful night, with my insomnia starting to swing, I became convinced that it was starring at me and moving! So, I took it and put it in a different room.

    Paintings give me a slight trepidation, because in films they always have secret passages behind them and there's always someone looking out.

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  • Oh man that reminds me of one night i was bored and there was a sheet of acid in my draws. I ate it and sat there watching tv and after a few hours i started staring at the pulp fiction poster above the tv. You know the one with Uma thurman on just lying there staring with a frown. The eyes were like locked on mine and the frown started sagging and her eyes were growing wider and smaller, i was shitting myself!

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    • till in the end she looked like et?

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      • Nah like a blue ghost painting thing...fucking eeeep!

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  • rin

    I did this a few nights ago. I haven't been able to sleep lately and one night when I turned towards my bookshelf I saw one of my stuffed animals. (Rhino from Bolt) I didn't have my glasses on so I couldn't really see it but I could still make out where the eyes were and I got scared. I turned him around.

    I also have a giant Donkey Kong that sits on top of my dogs cage that's right across from my bed that scares me sometimes but it's too far away for me to see clearly so I haven't turned it around or anything...

    You know what, the past few nights when my boyfriend is sleeping I'll think he's staring at me. I'll think that he turns his head toward me when he really doesn't.

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  • Energy


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  • luanabilbao

    its not. a question.. when you look in the mirror are you like scared of your own eyes? dont take this as a joke im serious.

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    • rin

      What would that mean if you are?

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    • chelseaxx

      no, im not :P

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