Is it normal to not to like people who don't care about animals?

I've always been a great animal lover. I also read an article once that said people who love animals are usually more compassionate and have deeper feelings than those who don't. I believe that is so true. When I meet someone who says they don't like animals, I get so confused and cannot understand how you can look at a precious little puppy or kitten and not have any feeling at all. So then I figure they must be a very cold person. Even a few of my friends said that people who truly don't care about animals tend to be cold. And that people who love them are usually more down to earth and have a warmer nature. It puzzles me how some people cannot find animals fascinating. Dogs have done so much for people and it's been shown that they are great stress relievers and that people who own pets live longer than those who don't. I find myself not wanting to have anything to do with a person who doesn't care about animals. Even if they appear nice, I still avoid them and think "I don't care if they're nice to me, they must be cold". I don't even eat meat. I could scream when I think of scumbags like Michael Vick who tortured dogs. And is not remorseful at all. A woman who wrote a book on body language said that he really doesn't care what he did. All he really felt bad about were people turning against him and that he got caught. I also wonder how any woman could have anything to do with him. I feel she has to be one of the coldest people alive. Am I normal to feel this way? I care a lot about people too. But not cold people. Am I being normal to have such resentment toward those who don't like animals? It just puzzles me how some people could not care less about God's most magnificent creatures. Dogs are more loyal than a lot of humans are. There's so many reasons to love them and I just don't want to be around people who don't. Sorry this is so long. I hate hunters and don't understand how they can actually enjoy shooting deer. I don't believe a real man could do this. Hunters are cowards. And freezing cold too. Thanks for letting me vent.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • anti-hero

    I <3 animals.

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  • imadragon

    I don't believe in the God part (atheist) but otherwise, I'm just like you. If someone say they don't like or care for animals I just.. Get a very bad feeling about them.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Paws up! I can't argue with that.

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  • Glowfly

    I love animals and I don't understand how anyone could kick a dog, harm an innocent life just because they're bored, etc.

    I don't think all hunters are cowards. I vehemently oppose hunting for sport - hanging trophies on the wall - that sort of thing... but I don't dislike all hunters.

    I honestly know quite a few LOVING hunters (men and women) who hunt to eat and do not enjoy the kill. They treat hunting as a sacred thing and honor the life of the animal for its sacrifice. I appreciate their approach much more than the way animals are brutally killed everyday in overcrowded, filthy slaughterhouses without a second thought.

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  • SangoNyappy

    Actually I'm usually very cold person but I love animals.
    I really do dislike people who don't care about animals though. For example my grandma. She always says how stupid and disgusting are animals(especially dogs) when she sees something about animal abuse in TV. She's like "It's just a stupid animal who cares?!"
    I do fucking care.

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    • Jill123

      SangoNyappy, it's strange that you think of yourself as a "cold" person because you sound like a truly wonderful person to me. What a shame how your grandma feels. I don't get it how someone can look at the sweet and scared face of an animal who's been abused by some piece of scum coward and not have any feelings at all. Your grandma sounds like the cold one, not you. Maybe you just "think" you're cold. You sound great to me. Thanks for responding.

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      • SangoNyappy

        Aw thanks, I might not be cold inside but people think so because I look like I hate everything.
        Probably because I'm pretty straight forward and I just say it loudly in their face when I don't like someone :D
        As for the animals I don't understand either. I mean animals are so cute and lovely! Even those without fur like snakes etc are adorable. I don't understand how can some people hate animals to the point when they abuse them, these people disgust me. But my grandma isn't really a bad person she can be pretty sweet when she tries.

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        • Jill123

          Yeah, looks can be deceiving. I've known some people who looked mean but once I got to know them they were really nice--and loved animals too! Have to run out to the store now, but maybe we can chat again another time. You're welcome to respond anytime.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I try not to hate on anyone and I have a friend who isn't an animal lover. He's older than me and very up front in that he says he doesn't want responsibility and is too lazy to have a pet. Now that being said I tend not to relate to non animal lovers for the most part. When my Siamese was a kitten I was dating this guy who was a non animal lover and it turned out to be a bad experience and general waste of time. Now when it comes to dating that kinda thing is a deal breaker and the same goes for someone with whom I don't have shared religious beliefs. Some people see the face of God in their baby's eyes; I see it in my Siamese cat's baby blues. Yeah, so God, animals and babies are good things in my book and I can't understand the disinterest of some people. They're free to not share my interest but it seems awfully cold and boring to me. I mean if a guy can't handle a Siamese kitten climbing up his pants leg what's he gonna do when a six month old doberman decides she's gonna knock him down and lick his face off? I don't wanna know, hell I don't wanna know a guy like that as more than a platonic friend.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I've noticed a pattern by which I don't get along with girls who dislike cats. Now I watch out for that.

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  • Moonbow

    You're a freaking idiot! Dogs aren't more loyal than humans. Dogs aren't loyal at all. They do what is neccessary to be fed an if someone else started feeding your "loyal" fleabag food it liked better than what you're feeding it, the worthless POS would drop you like a hot potato. Furthermore, God did NOT create dogs, they were created by man from wolves. God would NEVER have created something so filthy (they eat human shit), destructive (unlike the wolves from which they are descended, dogs chase down and kill other animals just for the fun of it), and disgusting (they wallow on dead things, bark their ugly heads off and wag their filthy asses)!

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    • Jill123

      Obviously you never really had a dog. You're a stupid ignorant moron who truly doesn't know a thing about animals.

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    • Jill123

      Clicked into your response for the first time by accident. Jeez, never in my life read a letter from a MORON like you!! And such trashy language which shows you're a low class trashy person. Dogs ARE more loyal than a lot of humans. I've seen many of them get very depressed when their owner died. And being taken care of by someone else did no good. They wanted the person who they really loved. Of course you're not going to believe that because you're a big AIR HEAD!! LOL!! This was a subject I talked about several months ago and had forgotten about. I see many other a---hole morons also responded to me and seem to agree with a dope like you. Oh, go ahead and waste your entire time answering me. I GUARNATEE it won't be read!! If I ever truly read it, I would definitely type you an answer. BUT AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GET A RESPONSE FROM ME THEN YOU CAN BE POSITIVE I NEVER READ IT!

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  • TecaT.

    Animals in <3

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  • same here

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Ehh, then you wouldn't like me.
    I have empathy for animals, and I love animals, but I wouldn't want one and I don't swoon over them or have the same regard for them as I have for humans. They're great, but in my experience, their loyalty is to whoever fed them last.

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    • Jill123

      You're entitled to your opinion but I think you're wrong. Dogs will love you unconditionally whether you feed them or not. I've known dogs who dragged someone from a burning apartment and saved their life. The person they saved wasn't even the dog's owner! You would live longer and be healthier if you had a pet because it's a medical fact that people who own pets live longer than those who don't. It's also been proven that a person's blood pressure goes down when they're in a room with a dog. But it goes UP when they're in a room with people. Also people in nursing homes become much less depressed when a dog is allowed to visit them. I don't see any people making them feel emotionally better! Too often the staff of workers in nursing homes abuse and beat up the poor elderly! Maybe you shouldn't get an animal because I don't think you could ever appreciate him or her the way they deserve to be appreciated. There are a lot of great people too, but sadly, I find the vast majority to be back stabbing creeps. And that old saying about dog being man's best friend is so true!! Have you ever heard of a quote about humans being man's best friend? Of course not. That's because humans cause tragedy and war and horrible crimes. Wake up and smell the coffee, my friend. Maybe your head is just a little bit buried in the sand.

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      • Moonbow

        Dogs do NOT "love you unconditionally." In fact, dogs don't "love" at all. They do whatever is necessary to be fed. If dogs had any true sense of love or loyalty, there wouldn't be any "rescue" dogs because they would all remain loyal to their first owners. Dogs are such fickle creatures that they can be passed from person to person to person and as long as the next person feeds them, they will be just as "loving" and "loyal" to that person as they were to the last.

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        • Jill123

          You're a true a----hole all the way.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        You do know that only a couple of sentences out of your entire massive paragraph actually supported the statement you made about a dog's unconditional love, yes?

        I'm entitled to my opinion, yes. Obviously animal-lovers aren't as kind and empathetic as stated here, otherwise you would not have written an entire paragraph to shame and insult me for sharing my personal experience with animals. Do I feel that they are incapable of love and loyalty? No. But in *my* experience, they generally go for the person who has their next meal. They're just like humans in that they can be as easily persuaded and as fickle as us. We're not so different after all.

        You're right about one thing, though. A dog would never go so far to try to insult someone that they do not know. Humans are far less respectful than animals and you're living proof. However, I will not apologize for my preferences. No animal would expect me to choose them over a human nor would they hold it against me. They're understanding like that.

        I think I like my head being buried in sand. I find it much preferable to your position of having your head being buried in your ASS.

        By the way? I do have animals. I love them, but I don't need any more. And they are treated very well. I just took one to the store with me. *Gasp* get over it.

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        • Jill123

          Did you read your very first email to me? Go back and read it if you didn't. You said you "love animals but wouldn't want one". Now in your second email you tell me that you have animals! And no, I am not "gasping" at all. You are just a LIAR. And you don't even know me either or what I've been through so don't judge me. And please don't waste your time and energy sending me any more replys because I guarantee they will NEVER be read but instantly deleted. Have a nice evening.

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          • Moonbow

            What the hell does it matter? This is a freaking site where teens, preteens and exceptionally immature adults ask dumbassed questions and other teens, preteens, exceptionally immature adults, and those who love making fun of such idiots respond to those dumbassed quesitons! Get a freaking life!!!!

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