Is it normal to not want a smartphone?

It seems like everyone has a smartphone these days but I just don't want one. I've said that from day one when it first became a thing and despite hearing all the "you'll change your mind", I continue to say it. I simply don't have a personal use for it, and it seems like a waste of money. I'm an adult in my mid 20s who lives in an urban area and in no way otherwise do I hate technology. I avidly use the internet at home on my PC and laptop. I play video games often. I have a landline for primary necessary phone contact and a cheapo pay as you go dumbphone I keep on me for any important contact when out and the latter hardly even gets any use, and I've almost never used its texting since I hate texting. Yes, someone actually said that; texting is stupid. I cannot see utilizing it so much. Whether it's keypad or touchscreen I hate attempting to type on it, and I hate the whole distraction and time taking that goes along with texting in general, I'd rather just go ahead and speak what I mean and get it over with.

Social networking in all honesty is kind of dumb in my opinion but I still use it occasionally (facebook mainly). Whenever I see people on smartphones that's mostly what they're doing anyway. Most of those things people frequently say are irrelevant and uninteresting to all but the poster and don't really even need to be broadcast to the public to begin with. So yeah, to me smartphones seem just like throwing away money on unnecessary gimmicky apps and for people who are being WAY too obsessed with social networking or just who succumbed to a fad. I've survived many years of not having one and I'm doing great. I like to observe what's around me and I like to do other things when out that don't involve my face glued to some screen, since I can do that stuff all I want when I'm at home. But apparently that's hard to understand for some reason?

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 65 votes (46 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • eastbeast

    Nothing wrong with not wanting to be glued to a screen 24/7, you obviously have a life, an interest in your surroundings and are confident enough to not need to hide behind some POS most have been conned into thinking they can't live without.

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  • disthing

    Yes it's normal to not want technology you don't need.

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    • dirtybirdy

      As if there was any technology that we DIDN'T need. Pfff.

      Dude, I just downloaded a series of apps that are a MUST HAVE for anyone who wants to be anyone in this pathetic world.

      Here's a taste of what you're missing, you ignorant fool.

      For starters, I can tell you how many times a day my neighbors cat yawns. YES there's an app for that!! :D

      I'm informed when any previous female owners of any structure that I have driven by begins menopause. (Can't be current owner, crazy laws about that like you wouldn't believe.)

      I can tell you every time Barbies little whore sister Skipper shags Ken behind her back. I got some real juicy deets on that shizzle.

      Now you're probably crying. That's just the tip 'o the iceberg my friend!

      *I'm not real sure what just happened there :/

      **confession...I didn't even read the story >:]

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      • charli.m

        I love you.

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        • dirtybirdy

          If you were a marsupial i'd climb into your pouch.

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          • shuggy-chan

            Fap fap fap bird on too porn, ohhhhh

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          • charli.m

            Goodness me :O

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  • Pisslan616

    I understand, I clung on to my nokia brick for years and was happy to do so.

    I only have a smart phone now because my dads friend was getting rid of one and I got it on the cheap. If it had been full price then I wouldn't have bothered.

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    • filiasan

      I have a similar story, but my smart phone I have because my brother wanted to put us on a family plan. I had a nokia before that. And even before that, I was averse to having a cell phone, until I realized that I needed one.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I will not own a phone w/ a functioning GPS chip in it, period! IIN is the only "social networking" thing I do other than a couple of sailing related forums and I do not sit in front of a computer instead of experiencing life first hand.
    I fear for the species and personal freedoms as computers and government controls take over our lives leaving mankind to muddle through staring at life through a screen and virtual reality.
    It's called "being connected" but in reality it's being disconnected and isolated.
    So, to get to the point of the thread; I agree completely with the OP.

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  • Isabella80s

    Course it's normal. Well done for not just following the crowd! lol

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  • DangerousPotatoGuy

    do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

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    • DeadPixel

      Yes. He doesn't have/want a smartphone either.

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  • FairlessDave

    I didn't even own a cell phone until they were smartphones. I like having a computer in my pocket. If all they could do was make calls like the old days then I still would not have one.

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  • LOL. Yes it's normal if you don't want one.

    I've had smart phones and they've made me stupid lol.

    Wasting so much time texting or being bother by people so I got rid of it.

    I use the internet every day for many hours a day on my laptop (mac) but now I don't even have an active cellphone much less a smart phone and I'm happier and more productive for it.

    I don't like being annoyed by other people.

    The ONLY person I like getting texts/calls from is the girl or girls I'm screwing.
    Since I work from home it's not a problem for them to reach me because of the landline.

    I will say that if I decide to get serious with a girl then I'll re-activate my cell but I probably won't give the number out to most people.

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  • crion

    Yes. Yes, it's fucking normal. When I joked with my mom that I wished our computer (probably Windows 95 at the time) was as easy to use as the phone, I did not mean for the phone to become a bigger pain in the ass than the desktop.

    I wept when my last ordinary, non-smartphone died.

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    • Yes. Yes, it's fucking normal. When I joked with my mom that I wished our computer (probably Windows 95 atheir phones. I like to observe people and that's easier to do when they're actually talking to one in front of a computer instead of experiencing life first hand.
      I fear for the species and personal freedoms

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  • Phishy

    My smart phone has gotten me out of so many cities because I had no fucking clue where I was going (By inner GPS).

    So that alone makes me love mine.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    Yeah I don't like them either.

    - from Android smartphone

    I actually use mine at home more than anywhere, usually when I'm too lazy to open the computer. It is kind of annoying to see people on their phones all the time in public. The trolley rides at uni are so awkward because everyone is looking down at their phones. I like to observe people and that's easier to do when they're actually talking to one another. We'll probably evolve into Cyclopes or something.

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