Is it normal to not want anyone to know what you're doing?

Basically I have this strong desire to keep everything I'm doing private, from family, friends and strangers (depending on what I'm doing).

From family I feel very uncomfortable if they can pinpoint exactly what I'm doing - like it's ok if they know I was on my laptop but if one of my parents would come and talk to me I'd instinctively open a new blank tab for no real reason other than to hide whatever site I was on (not talking about dodgy stuff, even things like reddit or facebook I would somehow feel awkward to reveal). I wouldn't want to do activities that would make enough noise to identify exactly what I am doing, like playing a video game on the main TV or listening to music through speakers rather than headphones (even in my room).

With friends, I'm less awkward in this way for most things but it still applies to a lesser extent. Strangers who I have to live in proximity to I try very hard to keep quiet around to not 'give away' exactly what I'm doing.

And don't get me started about toilet stuff - for as long as I can remember I've always pissed on the side of the toilet bowl (i'm a guy) to prevent the obvious noise. And I find it extremely awkward to take a shit because of the noise or smell or whatever if I'm using a shared bathroom. I often have to specifically go at strange times when I know there's no chance of someone seeing me go in or out, or a friend coming round at the wrong moment or something (lol).

I definitely think it's a bit weird but I'm not sure to what extent. It doesn't really affect me as much as it sounds like but it's always in the back of my mind even though obviously no one gives a fuck what I am doing. Just thought I'd post and see.

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74% Normal
Based on 46 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • blue-light

    It's normal. what I do in my little world is for me, and no one else unless I choose to share. It's nobody's business. Yes it's true that most people don't give a dam, but on the other hand there are always those nosey, ignorant people around who have no boundaries.

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  • seakelp

    It sucks bud. I do that too, and I'm pretty sure it makes me come across as weird- this one time I was playing a game on my computer and then I freaked out when my roommate came in unexpectedly, I'm pretty sure he though I was jerkin' it.

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  • I'm not like that with most stuff but I can understand why someone would be.

    I absolutely hate when people look over my shoulder when I am doing anything. It doesn't matter whether or not it's private. It's absolutely annoying and invasive.

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  • Shrunk

    lol i do that too, with opening new tabs to hide stuff that isn't even porn or anything. I think my sister does too, i remember my mom getting mad at her for it, assuming it was something bad, but she was just watching some anime. the only time i can watch tv is when no one's home or everyone's sleeping then with the volume super low (or even in another language that only i know, lol), and even then i feel paranoid that the neighbors will see what i'm watching because there are no blinds on the front windows (again it's not porn or anything). worst is whenever i'm drawing, people always ask to see what it is, for one thing it's usually something i don't feel like explaining, and seconldy they want to watch which makes it nearly impossible to continue comfortably..

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  • OtherSide

    You sound like a normal, freedom-loving American. You have rights to privacy and liberty - and by God, you'll stand up for them.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I understand wanting your privacy, but that sounds like an almost painful existence especially the bathroom stuff.

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I use the can so others can hear me. My favorite is sitting on the pot just for fart amplification

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      • RoseIsabella

        It would be awesome if you could install a toilet microphone and hook it up to an intercom system. Sharing is caring!

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Would it feel more like home if all u heard were farts and butt whistles on an intercom system all day? Would the constant farts drive u crazy

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  • GryphonChick

    I am exactly the same with computers, oh my god. I can't stand people looking at my screen when I'm on the internet, especially when I'm typing something. I feel like they're judging me. I'm not the same with bathroom stuff, but I bet other people are.

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