Is it normal to not want children because of genetics?

The other day I was having a conversation with my friend about children. I said that I would never have a kid because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I passed down various genetic diseases to the child. I see no point in making a child suffer just because I want a child. My friend promptly said that I was weird and I'd eventually change my mind. But I don't think I ever will change mind. So, is it normal to not want children because you don't want to pass down bad genes?

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90% Normal
Based on 162 votes (145 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Littlebadgirl

    That's actually very selfless.

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  • OP, you are a very correct person in what you believe. Why pass on un-desirable traits to your own children? Just so they can in turn pass them down, and so on and so forth. Break they chain man.

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  • Avant-Garde

    1. Don't listen to your friend, she's being insensitive and quite silly.

    2. Yes. Your concerns are perfectly understandable. I don't want kids, but even if I was the sort of person who liked them, knowing about some of my health issues, I wouldn't have them. Instead I might adopt if I wanted them that bad. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I found out I passed my health issues onto my offspring. It wouldn't be fair to the child(ren).

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  • ㅤㅤㅤ

    Ugh same here, I don't want children in fear they'd inherit my mental traits.

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  • howaminotmyself

    How likely are you to pass on the bad gene and how bad is that gene. I have a friend who never wanted kids and used that as a justification to her husband as to why she didn't want them. It wasn't her genes, it was the husband. His entire family had colon cancer except for one kid that ended up with diabetes. Truthfully she just didn't like kids but no one questioned her reasoning. Many years later she accidentally got pregnant and her son does have many health problems. However she loves and adores the child like nothing else. And the kid is amazing, I can't imagine him never being born.

    Whatever your reasoning for having or not having kids is perfectly normal. But kids sometimes find their way into your life regardless of intention.

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  • Devyn

    I haven't commented as to whether this is normal or not because I honestly don't know, but I would still like to comment.

    I admire your decision to avoid having children who would not have a fair chance at life were they to inherit any genetic diseases, and I would have agreed with you were this twenty years ago. But this is not twenty years ago. There are other ways for you to enjoy parenthood without any risk of passing on your diseases. Firstly there is IVF where an embryo without any of the genetic diseases could be chosen and implanted. If this is not possible on account of finance or beliefs then you could always adopt. Perhaps you're right to rule out having children through conventional means, but don't forgo parenthood just for that.

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  • KillerWombat

    I'm the same way. It's actually just one of many reasons why I don't want to have kids, but there's a rather extensive history of schizophrenia in my blood, as well as heart problems, depression [maybe even bipolar], ulcerative colitis, etc.. I just wouldn't want to burden anybody with those things, especially knowing how prevalent they are among my family members. I have a couple mental issues myself that are already apparent and that I wouldn't want to see anyone else get stuck with.

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  • SeverusFan23

    Yes. It's normal. Infact, i believe alot more people should take that into consideration before they decide to reproduce. Not all genes are pass-worthy.

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  • hairyfairy

    I had a baby when I was 18, & he was adopted for many years I worried that I might have passed bad genes, because my mother had heart disease at an early age, & she also had depression. I didn`t get these illnesses, but they can skip a generation as I found out when the kid that I had adopted got in contact with me. He has suffered with depression, & has high cholesteral, & I feel really guilty because I`m responsible for that because I gave him those genes. I also hate my mother for giving them to me, & if I could turn back the clock I would not have had any children at all.

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  • fallingleaveswithfaces123

    :D adopt like i did!

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  • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

    Yes of course. It is a very sensible thing to think about.
    I am the same. My grandad passed on bad mental traits to my mum. My mum then passed them on to me and my sister. Depression, although can be controlled most the time, is a horrible thing and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When it comes to the right time, I would be very cautious about having a child because of this. It's slightly selfish to inflict this genetic pain onto an innocent human being who wasn't asked to be born.

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  • Moonbow

    If there were more people around like you, the world would be a better place. Most people don't care what kinds of genetic problems they pass along to offspring because they're selfish and only concerned about what THEY want!

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  • alison2000

    I think it is normal, and I completely understand where you're coming from. In my case, genetics wouldn't stop me from having kids, but I can understand that some people couldn't go past it.

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  • Preacher

    I think is normal to not want children at all when you approach the matter with an analytical mind and become aware of ALL the things that could go wrong. Unfortunately, your friend may be right; by the time your biological clock starts ticking reason could be nowhere to be found.
    Everytime I've asked my friends and family why they had children I've received a poor answer: "we wanted them, duh", "it felt it was time", "it just happened", "if we waited a little longer we couldn't have them anymore" (this one is my parent's xD)... I don't think there is a positive rational answer when it comes to bringing a new life into this world, despite the will and means to try to compensate all the wrong that, inevitably, the newcomer will go through.
    Makes you wonder how many of the decisions we make thinking we're being rational are only a product of hormones and, also in this case, our will to survive through our children. Because of that I will always find it selfish.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    So what's so wrong with you? what could possibly be so wrong with you?

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    I get it... you don't want little fat kids with pug noses.

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  • lufa

    There should be an award for people who refuse to have children to not pass on genetic diseases, including social diseases like acne.

    Despite what some may say here, the odds are pretty high that they will be passed on. I'm aware of a study of people with schizophrenia who passed the disease on for many generations.

    Likewise for obesity. Most people are selfish, small-minded and have kids to 'fit in' or for their own egocentric reasons, or simply because they were idiots and used no protection.

    Then their bastards kids grow up and repeat the pattern. I'd definitely do the same if I had inherited something undesirable and incurable.

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  • Pisslan616

    You could adopt a child. If the whole genetics thing is the only reason you dont want children then adoption is the logical solution.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    Even if you had any recessive genetic diseases, the chance of your child getting them is quite small.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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    • Moonbow

      It depends. Not all genetic conditions are equal. True, some are unlikely to be passed along to offspring, but others have a much higher incidence. For example, there is a 50% chance a male hemophiliac will produce daughters who carry the gene and there's a 25% chance of a female hemophilia-carrier passing along the gene to a son.

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    • Avant-Garde

      True, but there would always be the risk.

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      • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

        Take a chance! If you don't try, you will never suceed.

        Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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        • Avant-Garde

          That's true, but I'm not the OP.

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  • kelili

    Are you serious?

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  • You should have children, and pray they don't end up with the problems.

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  • NothingSpecial

    I actually used to be the same as you. Of course now it wouldn't bother me because almost everyone has a problem of some sort so I wouldn't feel guilty and I also no longer feel that this generation is the worst generation but that life has always been both good and bad, but like other people said adoption or fostering is something you could do. That way you wouldn't feel like it was your fault if the child you adopted had a serious problem or disease and you wouldn't feel like you were contributing to the amount of suffering in this world.

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