Is it normal to not want to be a skeptic?

I was born into Christianity and it is something that I would like to believe in. I would hate to believe that we are all just a mistake or algae growing on the Earth. But I'm getting more and more skeptical of God and his plan. It's sounding more like a fairytale as I'm getting older.

I guess where I'm getting at is, does anyone else have problems believing their own religion? If you've had these problems before, how did you rebuild your faith?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Tortugah

    I understand were you're coming from. I come from a Catholic family as well, but I'm not religious either. Even though I am at peace with my beliefs now, there have been times in my life in wich I have envied religious people for being able to blindly trust and be conforted by prayer and the idea of God. It is completely normal to want that, to want to feel like there is something more and that there is someplace were we're all going.

    I respect every religion because, though I do not share their ideas, I admire the devotion and utter completeness with wich they give themselves to their beliefs, and I wish I had the virtue to believe in something so profoundly that it becomes absolutely real to my eyes and my mind. But alas, I do not, and I have to adjust my life into following a path that is different (not necessarily worse) than religion, and I think as long as you are certain about what things in life you believe in, and you know in your heart that the life you are living is satisfying you and the people you love, then there is nothing wrong with believing or not.

    However, if you have a strong, growing feeling that you can't live with your doubts (or without them), you should inform yourself and know that there are many paths parting from the same beliefs. There is surely one path suited for you.

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  • duckman985

    Listen, I've been down the same road. It's pointless to try to continue believing when you know deep down inside that it's not right in your eyes.

    You do know, don't you, that there is more than just one religion out there. You can be spiritual and not be Christian. You don't have to be an outright atheist or purely secular person.

    For example, I don't really believe in god, but I'm still of the belief that there are some spiritual elements to life. I'm a Satanic witch.

    Life can still have meaning without god. It's what you make of it. For me, it's getting what I want and leaving a mark on society. I care about learning the truth of the world, whatever it is. I live for my art, my philosophy, helping others, and myself. Find your passion in life, and that is what your life will mean to you.

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  • bix

    I'm a Christian, but I reached a point where I stopped going to mass and believing alot of the teachings.
    But I then started talking to this guy that has faith pouring out of his ears, he is sooo religious but it's not weird or anything, he doesn't seem like ignorant or whatever but enlightened as if he understands something I haven't, and he has always said to me that if I have faith first the answers will follow.
    Well faith is the hardest part but I'm at the stage where i want to believe it because not only is it reassuring and stuff but also cos it's such a big and important thing. I find that I look on teachings differently, I see the moral messages and take them in my heart to be the best person I can be as that is all I can do with the faith I have, because I'm finding it hard to trust mans words and translations of stories that are farfetched and seem distant from my life. I use the stories as guides, and I'm happy with that as religion is personal and no two people can ever really believe exactly the same thing.

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  • drizzy43

    I was raised catholic and am now an atheist/agnostic and yes, its possible to be spiritual and still be an atheist/agnostic. But he truth is, no one knows where life came from, or what happens after life is over. I am content living my life knowing this. I just try to live the happiest most fulfilling life as possible because I know that it is a miracle x 1000 that i even get to experience it. Hopefully instead of trying to rebuild your faith in something that you obviously know is a lie, you seek the truth and find your OWN spirituality that suits you. I wish you the best of luck!

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  • Discover the truth. The best thing you can do is confront those things that make you doubt, research it fully then talk to a priest about those things and see what he says.

    Ultimately though no one will ever be able to answer every doubt you have. Some will linger. What keeps me going is seeing how Christianity worked for those I admired. Seeing how affable and strong willed they are compels me to move forward.

    God has been kind to me. He has personally overpowered my enemies when I couldn't and has saved me from death several times. For me, there is no turning back.

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    • A priest is likely to say something like "well, you cannot trust the WHOLE Bible." and then ask for a "donation".

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  • lsmommy

    I was in the same boat you are in. I tried getting into different religions and even went the atheist route for a while, I just finally decided that whether or not there is a God it makes me feel better to think there is. You just have to come to terms with yourself and find out how you feel about God and what he (or she) is!

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  • Your religion knows nothing about God. Read his word the Bible for yourself, and you will see that all of Christianity has lied to humanity. They have all become corrupted.

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  • threeyearsold

    I used to be Christian and went through that too. It is hard to start questioning what you have grown up believing is fact. I found that that religion didn't have the answers I was looking for, but it took many years of contemplation and study to accept.

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  • Darkoil

    Im sure that most people turn to religion nowadays because they can't understand and accept that one day they are going to die, it escapes me how some people when they grow up still believe in half the (fairytale) rubbish that is in the bible though. On the other hand i wish id never gone down the science route and instead still believed in god and heaven - they say ignorance is bliss.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Read some other books on spirituality and come to your own conclusion. I am not Christian but one of my favorite writers on spirituality is.

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  • God doesnt exist.

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