Is it normal to not want to convert other people to your religion?
I feel like trying to convert other people to your religion is rude and disrespectful.
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I feel like trying to convert other people to your religion is rude and disrespectful.
Pero si usted cree que no siendo bautizados por ejemplo , significa que voy a ir al infierno , ¿por qué no querrías para salvarme de ese horror ?
No es que uno de los principios más importantes de la fe cristiana ? Id y llevar a todos los que puedas en el redil ?
¿Es aceptable que elegir qué directivas de la religión que usted seguirá y aquellos que no lo harás ?
But if you BELIEVE that not being baptized for instance, means that I will go to hell, why wouldn't you want to save me from that horror?
Isn't that one of the most important tenets of the christian faith? Go forth and bring all those you can into the fold?
Is it acceptable to choose which directives of your religion you will follow and those you won't?
I understand that, but I feel like if I try to convert someone then I am being pushy and mean. I don't want people to go to hell, but I don't want to be pushy.
Le agradezco su actitud, me estaba cuestionando si es aceptable tener que , si realmente cree en su fe.
I appreciate your attitude, I was just questioning whether it is acceptable to have it, if you truly believe in your faith.
You make a claim that a god exists. Use the scientific method. You have no material evidence. Therefore the claim is rejected. Faith doesn't have to be disproved, it has to be proved.
CONSPIRACY THEORY: The secret society of religious infiltrators, of out to hijack religions to concentrate wealth for the upper classes.