Is it normal to *not* want to share things i enjoy with others?

For example, I met a new person at work and found out that we're both big fans of the same music artist. He wants to go to a concert of his sometime when he's touring in our state. But I actually really don't want to go with him. When I listen to the artist's music, it's got a deep personal connection to me that I don't want to share with anyone else.

For me, going to concerts is easily the quickest route to losing interest in an artist. It's essentially taking the culmination of all these personal experiences I've had while listening to the artist's music and stripping it of anything meaningful by hopping up and down for way too many hours in a mosh pit full of loud, sweaty, high, and generally unlikeable strangers

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29% Normal
Based on 7 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • raisinbran

    Attending a large concert is one of the worst experiences a human being can have. Bragging about it the next day is not worth the nightmare.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I wonder if this has anything to do with your childhood.

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    Sharing is the best part of life. What are you afraid of? Intimacy?

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    • Billy247newaccount_35467829

      What are you talking about?

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    • harkosv

      Maybe I phrased the question poorly. It's not that I refuse to or am put off by the idea of sharing *anything* that I enjoy with others. I love going to movies with friends, watching TV shows, playing games, and all of that. It's very specific titles or artists in various entertainment mediums that I prefer to keep to myself. Granted, I am pretty introverted and probably wouldn't enjoy moshing either way

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      • DADNSCAL

        Well being a introvert and preferring to be alone at times is normal. But one has to keep it in perspective to be healthy.

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