Is it normal to obsess over babies & pregnancy?

I lost my unborn twins a while ago ever since then i have been obsessed with babies & pregnancy, whenever a friend gets pregnant i get so jealous and upset by it that i either cant be near them or i act as though they are having MY baby ! >< i also carry my hospital wristband inside a locket everywhere i go & get very uncomfortable without it, i feel like they are with me when i have it! I am really getting worried about it all now so i need some advice ! Please be nice x

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Clementine07

    Aww thankyou for your comment, I am geeting a therapist in 2 weeks so heres hopibg it works! *hug* x

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    • joybird

      I've just read an article in the newspaper where a girl lost a baby and she got a baby doll to snuggle at home. Funny enough she said it really helped her deal with the loss.

      Can I just tell you that I had a friend who couldn't have kids? She used to cry every time she saw them and had to leave everywhere we were when she saw kids. She went on to have IVF and had a child.

      She then told me, "I cried thousands of tears when I couldn't have a child, but I have cried millions since I had my daughter!"

      Kids are not easy and at least you are being realistic and looking for the positive.

      I believe that everything happens for the best - and now was just not your time. Go to uni and get your education, then children will come along at a later date.

      I am very very sorry for your loss and am able to empathise but you will get over it in time :o(

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    First, let me say how sorry I am for your loss. I can't empathize, since I've never been pregnant or had kids, but I can only imagine how traumatizing it is to lose a child/children. I'm sure it's perfectly normal to grieve, and to let the grief run your life for a while. If it really bothers you, maybe a therapist could help. I know it's a touchy thing, seeing a "shrink", but the right one can really help you deal with the loss, and can help give you the tools to move on without fear of "forgetting". I know many people can't move on from a loss, because they are afraid they will forget the person they've lost. This is certainly no situation you can " just pick yourself up by the bootstraps and move on" from. I'll say from my experience, that I would be dead without my therapist. The right one can be a real lifesaver. I wish you all the best! *hugs*

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  • all I think about is trying again but I'm only 19 & I need too go to uni and stuff it would be stupid of me if I did but at the same time that's all I want.. It's very confusing! Thank you for your comment :) x

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  • squirtle

    It's very understandable what you're feeling, and I'm really sorry to hear about that. But at some point in life, you have to let go if you want to move on. This doesn't mean forget about them of course, but to accept what happened. Maybe you can you try getting pregnant again?

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