Is it normal to obsess over my clothes size?
i am facing this dilemma. or is it one now? i have sizes 0 to 16. I have gone up and down the scale for years. once i went from a 0-16 within a short time. the last time i was a 16 was about 2011. now, i'm about a 9, but clothes vary so much in how they're sewn so it's frustrating.
anyhow, i'm wearing long flowing skirts now more, cause I can wear a flowy top over it to cover my stomach that gets water retention. i struggle with edema so it makes it hard.
i can't sit down with some jeans without it hurting.
anyhow, yeah, my closet is overwhelming, depressing and frightening. i have an eating disorder though that started when i was 10, that started with just watching what i eat, to obsessing over calories and exercise (some would call me anorexic) to binge eating disorder, a form of bulimia, back to restricting, ect. so i guess i have part bulimia and part ednos. anyhow, yeah. thank you for letting me share.