Is it normal to obsess over my clothes size?

i am facing this dilemma. or is it one now? i have sizes 0 to 16. I have gone up and down the scale for years. once i went from a 0-16 within a short time. the last time i was a 16 was about 2011. now, i'm about a 9, but clothes vary so much in how they're sewn so it's frustrating.
anyhow, i'm wearing long flowing skirts now more, cause I can wear a flowy top over it to cover my stomach that gets water retention. i struggle with edema so it makes it hard.
i can't sit down with some jeans without it hurting.
anyhow, yeah, my closet is overwhelming, depressing and frightening. i have an eating disorder though that started when i was 10, that started with just watching what i eat, to obsessing over calories and exercise (some would call me anorexic) to binge eating disorder, a form of bulimia, back to restricting, ect. so i guess i have part bulimia and part ednos. anyhow, yeah. thank you for letting me share.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Yeah, a lot more people do than are willing to admit.

    It is not worth obsessing over, really. Your health is more important than numbers. Is not being the "sexiest" or "most attractive" size really the worst thing ever? No... I'm a size 4-8 depending on the brand and I'm STILL hung up on my appearance. I am pale as moonlight and I have scars all over my body that only a highly unreasonable amount of clothing will cover. For many years, I wore clothes that were way too big on me because I thought that everyone else saw being my being thin as disgusting.

    Doesn't matter who you are or what you look like... Most of us have some hang up or another about our appearance.

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