Is it normal to obsess over the illuminati?

well i've started researching illuminati & their symbolism, but now i think i could be 'driving myself mad'. i research it everyday, i've dreamt about it and i think it's becoming a bit of an obsession. i'm always looking for their symbolism/subliminal messages in adverts, music videos, films, cartoon ect. i just wanted to know, are there any other people out there (who aren't mentally ill) who feel this way about the illumiinati conspiracy? and, could this constant research make me go insane? at this point i think i should mention that i'm an 18 year old girl.

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66% Normal
Based on 157 votes (104 yes)
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Comments ( 18 )
  • PinkSneakersProductions

    We're currently casting for a new documentary about teens with stories like yours. Would you be interested in sharing your story for TV? Check out our profile and contact us if you're interested, we'd love to hear from you.

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  • YoBanana

    I just began researching this a couple months ago. I cannot decide wether I believe it or not yet. The conspiracy is so farfetched that it's hard to believe. Yet I wonder if they make it so farfetched so people will doubt it more easily. All in all it's normal to me that you're obsessed. This conspiracy is very time consuming when you study it.

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    Naaaaaah you're not insane, you've just found an interest in something and want to look into it. At least it's not Hitler, imagine how many dirty looks I got for that one =/

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  • I have researched the illuminati for years I am an 18 year old male. If anything more people should be researching the illuminati because I think the time when itl be too late to change their motives is going to happen soon. I ask a few people "just give it an hour or two look up and then if you dont think suspicious about it at all forget I even talked about it" and they dont even give it a chance. Sadly I think we are fucked due to the people in life thinking shit just happens and not that things like war etc are happening for a reason.

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  • nirvana666

    it's just because whenever i tell people about it or try to explain it people are like ' your not right in the head :/ ' but yeah, i am really intrigued by it and i only found out about it last month. thanks for making me feel better! :)

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    • Faceless

      Read David Ickes, The Biggest Secret. Mind blowing assumptions and researched very well. However, take it with a grain of salt!

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      • nirvana666

        i've watched a few of david ickes videos and read a lot about his theories, but to be honest there's a lot of what he says that's a bit far-fetched although i think i've learned a lot from him. i think a lot more people should definately be researching this and learning about it, instead of making it all out to be a completely daft conspiracy. there's even some people that don't believe the illuminati exist anymore, and that's just ridiculous. i see jay-z, lady gaga, rihanna and kanye west are supposedly promoting it as well these days and that's how i found out about it in the first place because i had read stuff about lady gaga. now that i've seen all the signs, i seriously believe this is the case and the people who deny the fact that it exists or don't believe it's true are people that either don't know anything about it at all or they haven't done enough research. i just don't want to lose myself through all of this if you know what i mean, i don't want to become overly obsessive but that's just kind of happening beyond my control anyway.

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  • SweetandTenderHooligan

    I am SO obsessed with the new world order. So badly, I want to join.

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    • peachlux69

      DO NOT. youre bound to be doomed.

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  • Gilda

    I used to be like that

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  • The illuminati is totally real and its good to see that some people are taking it seriously. I try to look for all the subliminals and stuff too. It's really a very sane thing to do in this day in age.

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  • irishpackerfan

    Its completely normal. You might have this thing that people have forgot they had which is compassion. Please realize how modern society and culture has brainwashed people into complete morons. People don't want to ask questions and even the people who do ask questions wont do anything unless that action takes them out of the comfort of their own homes.TV radio movies have made people complacent to become nothing more than medicore. Endgame is coming and you are one of the few people to realize it. Take action and continue to inform. What the hell does it matter if a bunch of idoits think your batshit crazy. they can't look outside of the box they are confined too. your more normal than anyone here kid

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  • ibelieveinilluminati

    I too am becoming obsessed with the illuminati I am a 23 year old girl I have only recently started to watch videos read things about the illuminati I Think I'm becoming obsessed I constantly look for signs and symbols I read ur profile nirvana and I notice u too like the ganja... same here...I search Google read books and I dream about them to I'm really worried its taking over my life I don't like to tell people because they think I'm crazy ...trouble is I can't help it I'm forever rewinding music videos and even films if I see what looks like a just a triangle, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's experiencing this because I thought I was alone and mabey a bit crazy ....well mabey I partner thinks I have an obsession with this and so do I , thanks for this post I just searched (Google) (which is also meant to be linked with illuminati) for anyone who was doing the same .....see I can't even mention anything without thinking of illuminati....its in my head its all around me ...god I think I need help lol it all started when I saw a video saying Lana del rey meant to be puppet ...since then its really escalated

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  • ravensuichiro

    to make it official..go visit robert langdon..i think he could tell you more about it..

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  • nirvana666

    indeed i did not, i'm not an idiot and it couldn't have been the same post as typed all of this myself yesterday. i am a real person asking a real question, why would i bother copying someones question when i'm asking it myself?

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  • nirvana666

    yeah i know what you mean, it's quite hard to believe, but i don't think anyone will ever know the truth unless they expose themselves to the world and that's unlikely to happen. but these people are the bosses of the bosses if you know what i mean, i do actually believe it, although there are some theories that just make you think "what a load of shit". research cathy o'brien on youtube and watch her videos, they're about mind control. it was after watching those videos, i really started to believe things 100%

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  • howaminotmyself

    I wouldn't worry about your sanity. Sounds like you have a thirst for knowledge. Have you done much research on Alister Crowley?

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  • DannyKanes

    A while ago, we had this exact same post. Did you just search it and copy and paste this?

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