Is it normal to obssess over cigarette smoke harming an unborn child?
I was just curious because I see a lot of people smoking while pregnant and I see pregnant women being around second hand smoke. It bugs the sh** out of me because I know that second hand smoke is way more harmful than first hand smoke.
I talked to my doctor about that because I have asthma and I was concerned about pregnant women because if second hand smoke affects asthma, it definitely can affect unborn babies..also my bf's mom and I debated about this because she's a smoker and she thinks that just because u walk in another room in a house to smoke, it meens noone can be affected by it. O.o'
Some people may or may not agree but I know it's true because it affects my asthma/breathing. When I see people smoking I just want to grab the cigarette and shove it down their throat and be like "how do u like that? can u breathe now??"