Is it normal to obssess over cigarette smoke harming an unborn child?

I was just curious because I see a lot of people smoking while pregnant and I see pregnant women being around second hand smoke. It bugs the sh** out of me because I know that second hand smoke is way more harmful than first hand smoke.

I talked to my doctor about that because I have asthma and I was concerned about pregnant women because if second hand smoke affects asthma, it definitely can affect unborn babies..also my bf's mom and I debated about this because she's a smoker and she thinks that just because u walk in another room in a house to smoke, it meens noone can be affected by it. O.o'

Some people may or may not agree but I know it's true because it affects my asthma/breathing. When I see people smoking I just want to grab the cigarette and shove it down their throat and be like "how do u like that? can u breathe now??"

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Comments ( 10 )
  • bananaface

    It really bothers me when I see stuff like this happen. Like, pregnant women drinking excessive amounts of alcohol or smoking. It's not fair. Granted, a person should have the right to make their own decisions, but when you become responsible for someone else's decisions, you should do what's right for them too. A baby can't make its own decisions, and needs the mother to look out for it. It makes me sad when mothers put themself first, and as a result, have a negative impact on their kid. People shouldn't have kids if they're not willing to put the work in or make sacrifices.

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  • Riddler

    i agree what banana up there said.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    I HATE when people smoke! Especially when they pretend it's somehow justified if they smoke somewhere else.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Well I was with you for most of your post, now I'm kinda scared you're gonna shove cigarettes down my throat.

    I agree, pregnant women shouldn't smoke and I refuse to smoke around my pregnant friends, even when they say it's okay.

    But really? Don't make this an attack on anyone who smokes. Most of us will be respectful if asked to take it further away or something.

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  • jocyjocy20

    no. this is my first post about cigarettes.

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  • VioletTrees

    Be straight with me here: are all these smoking posts in the past few days written by the same person?

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    • kelili

      I confirm that OP is the same person.. There is so much similarity.

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  • jocyjocy20

    I try not to seem so against people and their choices but its hard when they act as if they aren't affecting anything or anyone. A lot of people know and just care for themselves. My mom doesn't smoke and my and my dad don't either but my mother inherited asthma because of her parents smoking around her growing up and while my mom was unborn.

    Now I have asthma. So I know that it has a negative affect on everyone. I see no difference in health when it come to people being overweight and cigarette addicts. What also make me sick is when smokers criticize other people's health. I would respect someone who smokes if they know boundaries when it come to other non smokers and their well being.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I see it all the time around where I live. They have no shame in their game, with a full grown belly and a cigarette in their hand. I think people are starting to call child services on these women and their baby is taken from them right after birth, so I've heard. But yes, it bothers me too and it's completely wrong. I'm a smoker myself but I'd never put other people at risk just because of my vice. Specially since I live with a toddler, I take high precautions. A lot of smokers are so addicted that they're in denial.

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  • jocyjocy20

    I'm not attacking them, I actually did say Quote "I would respect someone who smokes if they know boundaries." and etc.

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