Is it normal to offer help to a roommate and get insulted?

So basically... I have a hard time remembering to do things on a schedule. I have some disabilities that make this problem a bit worse, but I do try my best.

I also try to accommodate those I live with - I let them know that I'll try hard to remember to do my share of work, but I also let them know that at ANY TIME they're welcome to ask me and I will say yes. I have 6 roommates I've lived with for 3 years that get this, and we do pretty well! I forget to do things kind of regularly, and they say "Hey, can you do the dishes?" and I do.

One roomie moved out, and our new replacement... I really don't get. I've told her numerous times this is how I work best, as have my other roomies.

Today, she was complaining about having to do dishes because she was sick and wanted a bowl of soup. I gave her a clean bowl and said "You eat your soup, feel better. I'll clean the dishes, don't worry about it"

She then said "You don't get it, do you know anything about the law of atrophy?"

I said "Look I'm just saying, problem, solution! I'll be the solution ^_^ I'll do the dishes"

She said "I really don't think you understand, you don't get it at all." and scoffed and shook her head.

So I was like... ok? I just said "Kay, I don't get it" and left.

I was trying to be nice, she insulted me and refused my help. Is that normal? Am I missing something here?

Voting Results
26% Normal
Based on 31 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    She sounds like a lazy cunt. You are trying to be nice and she sounds like she is very rude.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Your roommate sounds like a bitch. She wanted a clean bowl and she got one. It sounds like she was just trying to make you feel bad for not doing the dishes.

    I wonder why she isn't living in her last place anymore.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    She's wierd.

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  • Just put some laxatives into her tea. Bitch.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Not normal... Maybe, you should all sit down with her and lay down the rules of the house. If she doesn't like it, she should get out. If she wants a roof over her head and a floor under her ass, then she'll have to put up with how things are.

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  • Ah the mysteries of women...and being one I can kinda see what her problem is...but I can also understand your point of view!

    At a guess...
    Shes uses the law of atrophy (she's feeling unwell), a challenge comes along (has to do the dishes) and she crumbles (snaps at you) because hand her an easy solution (which quite naturally you'd expect to work). But her snapping at you may indicate she has another problem she cant resolve (maybe to do with her health or a problem that cannot be solved just by handing over a bowl) and her emotions just got reflected in this bowl incident.

    From her shoes, answering back is just going to annoy her more or make the problem seemingly worse so try to avoid arguing your point over to her, do a bit of reverse psychology just say nothing, do the dishes and leave a clean bowl on the side with the soup can and a spoon and when she's calmed down she'll take it.

    Men's emotions are very black and white and simple but Women's can be more complicated and there's been many a time I wish I was a bloke for it. You never a long shot...she may even fancy you :)

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    • Yuck, someone else suggested she may like me. I am like as unattracted to her as could possibly be, but it's alright because I'm pretty sure at this point that she hates me. Free of seeing her on Jan. 2nd though! :D

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  • Steve92

    All women are the same! That is except my sweet little sister and Miss Random Popcorn.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Miss Popcorn is pretty boss. But you should lower the creep-factor a bit with her, methinks :P

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      • Steve92

        Its to hard to do that, when you are a creepy person, geddit?

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        • PumpkinKate

          Well, the world needs its creepers, too :P

          Creep on, creepy dude!

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  • PumpkinKate

    You guys rock.

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  • kelili

    Like an horror movie

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