Is it normal to offer help to a roommate and get insulted?
So basically... I have a hard time remembering to do things on a schedule. I have some disabilities that make this problem a bit worse, but I do try my best.
I also try to accommodate those I live with - I let them know that I'll try hard to remember to do my share of work, but I also let them know that at ANY TIME they're welcome to ask me and I will say yes. I have 6 roommates I've lived with for 3 years that get this, and we do pretty well! I forget to do things kind of regularly, and they say "Hey, can you do the dishes?" and I do.
One roomie moved out, and our new replacement... I really don't get. I've told her numerous times this is how I work best, as have my other roomies.
Today, she was complaining about having to do dishes because she was sick and wanted a bowl of soup. I gave her a clean bowl and said "You eat your soup, feel better. I'll clean the dishes, don't worry about it"
She then said "You don't get it, do you know anything about the law of atrophy?"
I said "Look I'm just saying, problem, solution! I'll be the solution ^_^ I'll do the dishes"
She said "I really don't think you understand, you don't get it at all." and scoffed and shook her head.
So I was like... ok? I just said "Kay, I don't get it" and left.
I was trying to be nice, she insulted me and refused my help. Is that normal? Am I missing something here?