Is it normal to only be able to function at night?

I always sleep during the day because I can only function at night. If I wake up during the day I need caffeine and stimulants just so I can function and not be grumpy. I enjoy the night. I especially like to drive at night, around 3am, because there is nobody around. I can do all my homework and take all my classes at night. I just like when nobody is around, it's peaceful. Sometimes I don't have to speak one word during a entire day. When the sun comes up is the end of my day. The stars and moon is all the light I need.

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 57 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Very normal. You would fit right in with my friends and I.

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  • Saikoselda

    Yeah, it's normal. I've tried a regular schedule but I'm like you-- I require caffiene and am pretty much a spaced-out zombie until I crash again, and I'm always very tired and get sick easily. I can't explain this to my family. "Oh, if you stay on a normal schedule long enough it will stop being so hard." And I've been on a 'normal schedule' for months at a time. No luck. :C It stinks living with people who don't understand, and I can't wait until I'm on my own and can live how I want to. I could get a night shift job and everything would be hunky dory.

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  • deejayftw

    Haha yeah same here too. I feel the need to sleep when i look out my window and see the sky becoming light glowy blue and then wake up in the daylight just a few minutes before sunset. I've stayed up an entire day to reset my schedule but once I did I HATED it and it only lasted about a week. I know a ton of others like that too, so yeah it's very normal lol

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  • guide4the_perplexed

    Night owls unite! I'm the same way, I love the night and hate the sun. College classes at night seem to bring out the hot girls too.

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  • DannyKanes

    For as long as I can ever remember, I have always been a night person :-) I can never sleep at night but could always sleep during the day. Is it simply because we are just "night people" or is there a more interesting reason? Who knows, something to think about. :-)

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  • Same, Its normal.

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