Is it normal to only eat applesauce daily?
I've made a habit of only eating a little thing of applesauce in the morning for breakfast. I've been doing it for about a month now. Is this normal?
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I've made a habit of only eating a little thing of applesauce in the morning for breakfast. I've been doing it for about a month now. Is this normal?
Certainly not healthy. You'll get sick if you don't balance things out soon, and get some protein in your system. There are other, better ways to get healthy.
Applesauce has a lot of sugar, anyway.
I think it's normal, but you should try to vary it. Like eating fruit or veggies. Even oatmeal would be equally healthy. If it's calories you are worried about Then stick to heathy things. If you're eating commercial applesauce, Then there's probably going to be allot of sugars. Stick to organic, if possible, and it should be fine.
Good Luck:)
I hope you don't mind my asking but how tall are you and how much do you weigh?
Applesauce doesn't even come close to some of the other breakfast foods as far as sugar goes. Syrup alone is ridiculous not to mention cereals. Anyways, I think it's fine. It's kind of like having an apple a day lol.
Totally normal, I drink about 8 to 16oz of tea when I wake up. Strange habit but it's normal bro
Not really "normal" but i would assume your not the only one. And its not harmfully sooooo.