Is it normal to only follow god's laws?

I'm not using my purism in my writing this time. However, I don't follow man-made rules, I only follow God's rules. Based on the Old Testament, legal laws are out, and I can smoke marijuana, drink in the dry zone, and flash my doodle in public. But due to the strict laws in Puritanism, I still can't beg, shoot anyone or anything, have sex outside of marriage, celebrate Christmas, and I must dominate the wife (when I get married) and copulate to make babies. Yes, I can swear, take oaths, do pornography, be jealous, etc etc, what I can't do is work on Saturday, be lazy, be envious, be proud, be gluttonous, or worship idols. I probably can't watch TV either, but in the 16th century, when there was no TV, drama was banned, the point is traditionalism, like in the stone age. I feel exhausted from the minimal comforts and no luxuries as asceticism is exhausting. It appeared to me in a dream: I was religious and wanted to be. I'm sectarian, I even follow sects of sects. As a Puritan anti-Catholic rebel, I reject Anglicanism, lucky for me I'll get my Puritan clothes in the mail from the internet, is this normal?

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Comments ( 10 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    whats yalls stance on caviar & cocaine?

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    • Hansberger

      I think cocaine is not to be taken, but wholesome herbs are to be taken, and herbs and mild food are to be given to the sick, which says to me spiritual or natural remedies are the best doctor, and not the drugs given to one, often by force, from the popular doctor.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        if yallre puttin yallself in a situation where drugs is bein forced then its yalls own fault or yall legitimately needs em

        if holistic medicine worked theyd call it medicine

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    • RoseIsabella

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        a bit more texas than clapton

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  • Hansberger

    The problem with the above is that it had nothing to do with the Mormonism I followed, which is to make you into a saint (a man with outstanding virtue), but I found out I can't flash my doodle or do pornography or take marijuana, I must do virtue, and with all godliness and holiness, follow Mormonism.

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  • louminis

    In my opinion god's laws are think you kinda have to find from within you because even what is written in the bible might not exactly be what god or jesus said, and you can't trust anyone who's trying to make you believe that god said that. Then you have to make a correct interpretation and basicly it's so vague that you better follow you're rules and adjust it to them somehow.

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  • Nickvey

    Christians are not under the law, that would be the Jew, christians are under Grace meaning they have two rules to achieve salvation. love god with all your heart, love your neighbor as you love yourself. i bet you are a jew or a muslim or a catholic. because you are practicing being one.

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    • Hansberger

      I'm pretty sure Puritanical behaviour involves no lust, no homosexuality and (of men) no dressing in women's clothing, yet the sacrifice of an ox or bird are to have their blood sprinkled around an altar. It's a misunderstanding that Puritanism is a strict moral code, it's actually a reasonably moral life when certain pleasures are forbidden, like card playing, gambling and tavern games. At the time I had behavioural issues, but the solution is to be found in Mormonism. With Puritanism stealing, killing, committing adultery, lusting after other women, divorce, drunkenness, smoking on the streets are not on. With Mormonism no tobacco is for humans. And no, religious rules are not the problem, only divine law is necessary, and not the laws of man, the courts or the land. No iniquities are to be made (these are wickedness and injustice), no harm or evil speech of your neighbour, and how is harm not to be done to yourself? Doing virtue, godliness, righteousness, meekness, and seek no pride but to be humble, and to not do iniquities, therefore not harming yourself. And one is to do kindness and not be selfish (Christian Science), and that's how my morality is now complete, therefore paedophilia and rape aren't suitable, since no harm is to be done to your neighbour, and virtue as just virtue is to be done, and righteousness is to be done, and acting justly.

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      • Nickvey

        all that old testament pagan stuff is not christianity if you take ownership of it it defines you.

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