Is it normal to only sometimes be shy?

I've noticed I'm only shy half the time. I have the same routine as always wake up in the morning and go to school. Well sometimes ill say what's up to my friends and everything but some days I jus feel shy about even talking to someone I sort of over think things and become worried of what people think of me, sometimes I'm even shy about asking for a simple pencil. But that's about half the time other days ill be fine. Is this normal?

Voting Results
92% Normal
Based on 49 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • That seems pretty normal to me.

    If you were to ask the people who know me in my "real" life if I were an extrovert or an introvert; some would say I'm introverted, but then the other half of them would say I'm a total extrovert.
    Really, it depends on how tired I am, who I'm with, and the environment we're in.
    Not everyone is either or, a lot of people are a mix.

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    • purplegirl22

      In my high school days it annoyed me because people would always say I'm antisocial or introverted some other terms that they used were loner etc. you get the point. But my best friends they had a completely different opinion because I would be comfortable enough around them to be myself.
      I totally agree on what you said. Everyone is a mixture (I just wish people could have realized that)

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      • I completely agree with you. It was the same for me in high school. I was labeled as "shy", even though I didn't actually feel shy at all and wasn't shy around my friends.

        When I was a kid I felt intimidated by a lot of different groups of people. My parents were extremely strict (and a wee bit abusive), so I felt quite uncomfortable around adults. I lived rurally and didn't have neighbours close by, so I didn't have as many opportunities to be around a lot of other kids, except for at school. And of course, like so many young people, I felt intimidated by other kids who were better-looking than me. But I so badly wanted to be really social, it was just that I didn't have the courage or the skills to make it happen yet.

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  • Monogamy_Sucks

    I guess its when ur just not in the mood to talk to people and u have to and that makes u nervous!happens to me all the time,i wish i were more easy going

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  • Monogamy_Sucks

    its like half the time u think ur good looking and half the time u think ur ugly.I hope my answer helped....prob

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    • Bigmac69

      Actually yeah

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  • Royo101

    Same here

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  • RinTin

    I'm shy when I'm in a bad mood and outgoing when I'm in a good mood.

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    • JustinBiebsFan#1

      that kicked so much ass i need new butt cheeks

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