Is it normal to only talk to non-superstitious christians?

I hate superstitious people, they're pagans and don't like to admit it, people who believe in ghosts are pagans, it's a pagan belief, they're going to hell and I'm going to heaven and nobody believes me.

By believing in ghosts, even leprechauns, or aliens, you're sinning, it's a sin, the Bible says not to listen to a pagan. That's why everyone's going to hell, they believe in ghosts, they use bad language, they don't do good works, they have no grace, and they gamble, and they don't admit they sin, that's why me and my mother are the only ones who are going to heaven. Therefore I only talk to Christians who are Christian by my definition. Is that normal?

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10% Normal
Based on 10 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Paganism was first then christianity came along and forced pagans with violence to abandon their beliefs. All our modern day traditions are inspired and stolen by christians from pagans. But you tell yourself that sweetie.

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    • LloydAsher

      Ah history. You steal something and it eventually becomes cannon.

      It's like that for EVERYTHING. Without it we woulnt have Halloween.

      Plus it's nice that we are all using the same calendar. So what if its linked the christianity?

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      • normal-rebellious

        Puritanism hasn't stolen holidays or beliefs or thoughts from the pagans, they very much were against paganism, magic, divination, the Church of England, and Catholicism, Puritanism doesn't take anything from the pagans, it's honest and solely the purity of the church, it's the only way to heaven; even though dishonest Christianity stole these things.

        There's no enjoyments in puritanical doctrine, enjoyments like drama, lust, gambling, elaborate clothes, and makeup, wearing powders, playing certain ball games, and wearing perfume or wigs or embellishments (but they didn't ban embellishments on gloves) or anything added for an extra dash of style to your clothes are sinful.

        There's a paradox in puritanical rules and they don't make sense, but Puritanism has exceptions to some of its rules.

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        • LloydAsher

          It's a religion of course it makes no sense sometimes.

          Every institution has weird rules and exemptions.

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          • normal-rebellious

            Yes, although in the cult of puritanical religion ball games weren't allowed, football, stoolball and ninepins were allowed, stoolball = like cricket, ninepins = form of outdoor bowls, which was allowed when bowling wasn't allowed, that's why I've got bocce on my phone but not 3D bowling, and football on my phone but not 8-ball, cricket, tennis, catch or golf.

            The weirdest ever rule when it's normally the contemporary rule not to watch TV for those TV-phobes out there is not going to the theatre, which is so weird it makes me laugh!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I hope ghosts are real.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Lies, Satan, blasphemer! It doesn't acknowledge it at all, and this post isn't satire, it's not a joke, I'm serious.

    Shall you be down with the angels and wash yourself in the lake you sinner!

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  • Clunk42

    Ghosts and demons, and demons exist, so while "ghost" is technically a misnomer, a "belief in ghosts" is not inherently evil or even pagan.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Actually it is, if it's not Christian, it's pagan, no self-respecting Christian believes in ghosts or anything supernatural other than what's in the Bible, it's a sin and it's not OK for a Christian to believe them even if they saw these things.

      Not inherently evil or even pagan? Are you testing me, Satan?!

      Almost all Christians are going to hell because they have faith in these things.

      pagan (n.) a person who does not follow the established church.

      Ghosts is pagan because it's not of the established church, it's a sin to not be of the established church even a little bit, even simply non-Christian things, it's still a sin, a true Christian doesn't believe in ghosts, magic, fairies, divination, paganism, Bigfoot, elves, goblins, aliens, atheism, no God, spiritual not religious, not religion or anything like that, a true Christian is into religion, not spiritual, believes in God, isn't an atheist.

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      • Clunk42

        Like I said, in reality, "ghost" is just a misnomer for demon. Also, you claim people who believe in ghosts to not follow the established church, but your a Puritan, so any claim you may have of such things is irrelevant.

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        • normal-rebellious

          It's not irrelevant for a single devoutly religious follower of Christ, not even me, not even you, not even a single non-hypocritical Catholic, Puritans and puritanical followers are merely believing in and following the Bible and only acting on his will.

          Since you're a narrow-minded Catholic inventing his own Catholicism you're still the same as the other Catholics and somehow bigoted Christians, that thing being you think there's only one way, one religion or branch of it and that everyone has to follow exactly your religion, branch and sect, they bloody well don't, in my about information it will state I will point people to the truth and not turn them any other way.

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