Is it normal to only want to clean my room if someone doesnt ask me to

If my mom asks me to clean it i most likely wont do it but ill clean the house when im not asked to

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75% Normal
Based on 12 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • charli.m

    Humans often don't respond well to being told to do shit. If I'm told to do something by someone attempting to assert their dominance over me my immediate thought is to tell them to fuck off and not do it, even if I had literally been on my way to doing what they were telling me to do.

    Course, you can't always do that or the world would be even more fucked.

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  • andyin137

    yes I hate it when someone tells me to cleamn my room,or even comment of it being what they consider messy.I live with my sister and pay half the rent and help keep the rest of house clean,but it really annoys me when my Sister gets on my case ,buy the way my room isnt dirty,its too small for all my stuff,therefore looks messy,but its my space andI feel violated when anyone complains about state of my room.Even though they leave dishes in Sink ,cloths piled up in laundry(i have to get all thier laundry out of way to do my 1 load a week,sometimes easier to go to laundrymat.Just get sick of people complaining about my state of cleanliness when they should focus more on thiers.I will be moving on my own soon because it wont get better.

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  • Shackleford96

    Yeah, because you're a rebel. Lol

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