Is it normal to order food and expect no human contact?
Seriously, what with you customers and partially closing a thick ass door behind a *closed* screen door and acting like the person bringing you food made by their coworkers, or yes even possibly them, has the plague?
Like it's okay I made your pizza, with my bare hands, and sneezed without washing my hands now because "lol the mask covered it" but it's not okay to take your boxed food from my hands? Stand a foot or so away and direct where they should be placed? Not wear a mask but give me grief about making sure you got your pizza instead of leaving it to get cold?
Y'all know we smoke in our cars too, right? Some of us even toke on the road. And eat and drink
I had a customer try to get me to park in a towing zone "oh it's okay everyone parks there" yeah okay whatever, I'm not parking to where I have to walk a football field to get to you and since you really want contactless I guess I'll leave your food on the cold cement at midnight. Oh darn, didn't think that one through, huh? You really thought you were clever when you said you wanted contactless, right?
Like I guess it's okay if it's noted for contactless, but leave a tip! And don't act like you'll fucking die if you look at me! Our hands have made the pizza, on the box, someone had their face over it to box it up. We probably touched a few of your wings by hand, heaven forbid! We can put your cold drinks with the hot food. We can mark your account to say anything we want.
When I was like five years old I was told not to fuck with the people who make your food. I always reason myself out of it, but I've been tempted AND ABLE to seriously fuck with people's food, like licking it, rubbing crotch sweat on it. The most I've done is make food not to the best of my ability, but guess what, I'm not working every kitchen. I've seen a woman shove a hot dog up her cooch. You customers think you're granted so much dominion over employees behind your veil of understanding on "the customer is always right" but when you're done laughing and going about your day, we're still laughing that you could have had better food, or that you're eating someone's excretions, and what weighs more for satisfaction do you think, being a smart ass with a sly smile or understanding you fed your shit to someone?
I think a big reason why I don't is because I did a little research into Hadden Clark for school. He was a murderer, he killed a little girl and more. He favored kitchen knives. He also pissed in like this huge vat of mashed potatoes at a factory