Is it normal to order food and expect no human contact?

Seriously, what with you customers and partially closing a thick ass door behind a *closed* screen door and acting like the person bringing you food made by their coworkers, or yes even possibly them, has the plague?

Like it's okay I made your pizza, with my bare hands, and sneezed without washing my hands now because "lol the mask covered it" but it's not okay to take your boxed food from my hands? Stand a foot or so away and direct where they should be placed? Not wear a mask but give me grief about making sure you got your pizza instead of leaving it to get cold?

Y'all know we smoke in our cars too, right? Some of us even toke on the road. And eat and drink

I had a customer try to get me to park in a towing zone "oh it's okay everyone parks there" yeah okay whatever, I'm not parking to where I have to walk a football field to get to you and since you really want contactless I guess I'll leave your food on the cold cement at midnight. Oh darn, didn't think that one through, huh? You really thought you were clever when you said you wanted contactless, right?

Like I guess it's okay if it's noted for contactless, but leave a tip! And don't act like you'll fucking die if you look at me! Our hands have made the pizza, on the box, someone had their face over it to box it up. We probably touched a few of your wings by hand, heaven forbid! We can put your cold drinks with the hot food. We can mark your account to say anything we want.

When I was like five years old I was told not to fuck with the people who make your food. I always reason myself out of it, but I've been tempted AND ABLE to seriously fuck with people's food, like licking it, rubbing crotch sweat on it. The most I've done is make food not to the best of my ability, but guess what, I'm not working every kitchen. I've seen a woman shove a hot dog up her cooch. You customers think you're granted so much dominion over employees behind your veil of understanding on "the customer is always right" but when you're done laughing and going about your day, we're still laughing that you could have had better food, or that you're eating someone's excretions, and what weighs more for satisfaction do you think, being a smart ass with a sly smile or understanding you fed your shit to someone?


I think a big reason why I don't is because I did a little research into Hadden Clark for school. He was a murderer, he killed a little girl and more. He favored kitchen knives. He also pissed in like this huge vat of mashed potatoes at a factory

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Comments ( 13 )
  • litelander8

    Lol. I wash my hands after almost everything I do.

    And you’ll find no sympathy on IIN. No one here believes in tipping. (But me)

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    • I'm not actually upset with overall tips, but some of these people I drive ten minutes one way for a single on a 60 dollar order for nothing

      And I switch between managing/insider so I make roughly double what drivers do even on the road

      But the argument "you should be paid a living wage" doesn't really make sense to me, because those people aren't writing to their congressmen about reform, they're not helping improve the tipped wage, and now they're not tipping. If they really believed in a living wage, they should tip because on that day, they're making 5 bucks an hour on the road. Tipping is the living wage. Until the tipped wage is improved, not tipping is ensuring drivers don't have a living wage

      And I just have a feeling if delivery places have to pay fifteen drivers fifteen an hour, customers are gonna be spending more than the usual 2-5 tip in mark ups to sales prices to compensate the new wages.

      It's like a thoughtless ruse to just not tip your driver

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im glad most people in my area arent crazy covid people. No one seems to care here.

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    • Here it's like, staff enjoys telling people to put on a mask, customers will cover their noses with their shirt (real fun to watch those people get their card), customers will discernibly lie about medical needs, old people act like they're invincible and holy with the vaccine, you'll see black lives matter masks, you've got your rebels with gaitors and bandanas, Trump masks still, homemade masks, we've got it all. There are a lot of variables on the spectrum where I live

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        My question is how long is this madness gonna continue. They started it to keep the hospitals from over flowing and that isnt an issue anymore. Are we gonna do this for like 10 years or something? Its like no end in sight. I understand its gonna kill some people but its not like it's deadly enough to shutdown for 10 years. 50% of the people I know had it already.

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        • I have a feeling it's gonna follow something like:

          Everyone's been vaccinated

          Hospitals have the resources to treat new cases easily

          New regulations with mandatory masks with coughing/fever symptoms at hospitals

          Treatment doesn't include isolating yourself for two weeks

          I think when these things are met is when the bulk of the pandemic will be over

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            All of those are met aside from everyone being vaccinated which is unconstitutional to force. Theres a 0% chance everyone will take it. But if everyone gets covid anyway they'll get antibodies just as if they took a vaccine.

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  • SmokeEverything

    I dont usually order delivery cause its too expensive and Im never home. Ive got a fair number of crazy covid people in my area, couple of people have yelled at me to wear a mask riding my bike outside by myself recently, I can't imagine what it must be like to deliver food to psychopaths like that.

    The fact that people still think you can get sick by standing within 6 feet of somebody for 3 seconds is scary. People are dumb. And I don't represent like, any kind of educated high class demographic.

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  • Sanara

    It may not be very logical but I think you can't constantly think logically about it you want the social distancing to be effective over time, you just gotta distance in general by habit.

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    • I just miss the days where people were happy to see me. The other night I rang the bell and I hear a couple kids yelling "pizzas here!!" and a responsible looking parent accepting it from my hands and having a few words with me.

      Those trips just make me happy

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    • SmokeEverything

      People not thinking about it logically are prolonging this ridiculous nightmare. No one should learn to permanently avoid people by habit.

      You're the one allowing this orwellian disaster to continue with your compliance.

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      • Sanara

        I disagree because you don't have a perfectly clear mind all the time, and you got other things to think about. So in order to have effect you gotta do things by habit. And I get there is a debate if all the restrictions are overall worth it.

        I think the worst is actually doing it halfhearted and not properly, then you deal with the downsides of both and it only goes on for longer. If we just ignore it the disease will continue, almost everyone gets infected and people in poor health or older get severely sick/die (I know many think we shouldn't care about those people, but do you truly think that of your own grandparents?). On the other hand the restrictions may cause a lot of problems and if its risking society collapse or widespread homelessness (that I think was a problem in some places) I think that's actually worse. Either way the world has the decided on the route of fighting the plague so the best for everyone involved would be if everyone could just take it seriously at once and we get over with it. We keep having it because so many people want to rebel, they only prolong the time with limited freedom instead

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        • SmokeEverything

          There is no limited freedom, I can still go wherever I want, if I want to. Everything opened back up where I live and Ive been just living normally since last year. I don't believe any of this is about a virus and I don't believe any of these restrictions they want to place on my life are actually doing anything to help. That's the whole key here. The 2 sided political argument is "Do we save buisinesses or old and sick people" but if you look past the BS lies on TV you can see that the government A)Does not care if old people die, and old sick people with low chances of survival dont get ventillators if they get pneumonia in normal times and B)The restrictions aren't doing anything to help, because you can't control where a virus goes.

          You're either going to get sick or not. And the collapse of society is intentional so they can "Build back better" or any of these slogans they keep parroting around. Vaccine passports are a scary idea. Im at the point where I see peoples compliance as a scary thing. The rules make no sense and there's no way they're going to get rid of them EVER as long as people keep following them. Both political parties are run by the same people. Turn off your TV, and don't trust ANYTHING the government tells you.

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